Battlefield 4 stutter/fps sudden drop/lag spkes

Kestas Jonuskis

Oct 21, 2013
Hey guys i have 4gb of ram, Msi gtx 660 ti OC edition and a intel core i5-2320 CPU @3.00ghz. Does my CPU cause these stutters? On can u run it it seems to be fine on recommended but in game it just get very bad at some points. I can play on all ultra graphics at around 50-60 fps but there are sudden stutters that lower the fps for a second to 1-10 and it is impossible to play with.
So guys is this my CPU's fault or is it on DICE side?

This usually isn't the CPU, I got these same issues because of my settings in Nvidia control panel. Turn all the 3D settings to Application Controlled and if your video card is overclocked, take it back a couple notches.

For me, this fixed all freezing and stutter problems on my 760 and i5 3570k

Yes, latest driver and everything. I read around that it is happening to a lot of people too, it can't be the CPU. Well its highly unlikely anyways.
Hey guys, Hello! I am too having the same problem! I am using Hd7950 OC and FX8320. The game generally runs smooth in 60FPS ultra but suddenly, there are awful fps drops which take 10 seconds or more to recover from. They happen in random but but in every game there is one.
I have an 8320 and a 7950. Some of the things that helped me was Windows 8.1. It completely 100% removed the studder right there. Another thing I did was up the voltage on my gpu. As it turns out, the overclock wasn't stable for bf4 but was for Heaven and it kept down-throttling the gpu core. It was rapidly switching from 850mhz to 1200mhz and I believe it caused it to crash the game. It seems to fix the crashes I'v been experiencing too. I noticed with windows 7, Bf4 uses around 50% of all cores and 60-70% of the GPU and you still get studder. On windows 8, its 70% CPU load and 97-99%GPU load so its much better.

it's not from your CPU, i5 have no problems at gaming and can take any graphic card without bottleneck maybe because of your ram .. 4 GB Ram won't let the i5 do its Max. performance

Hey mate, I am having the same setup but still am having this sudden stutters. Can you give me a solution that doesn't involve upgrading to Win 8?

windows 7 64

first install
then reboot and install

just might help a little bit, i ve installed both, but im still going to upgrade to 8, i hate 8, but oh well, BATTLEFIELD!!!!!

I am going to try it. Thanks.
Tried doing it. No change 🙁
I am still having these sudden fps drops in all games.
Can it be because of the low RAM? I only have 4 GB DDR3 1333MHz.
try updating to .NET Framework 4.5
CPU core parking disable
other than that, battlefield 4 like fast RAM go 8gb 1866MHz, or 1600MHz atleast. 2x4 for 8 gb or 4x4 for 16 gb.

but keep in mind, cheapest possible solution upgrading to windows 8

actually, more RAM might be your cheapest solution, i would upgrade to windows 8 first. which i will be doing next paycheck. i've done all of the above 'fixes' but none of them seemed to work, maybe just a slight increase in performance but not that noticeable.
as I see you have 4 gb of ram.. this is nowhere near the recommended for BF4. I bet a lot of your problem lyes within your mem. The cpu should be fine its a i5! But in worst cases it could be faulty, are you running CPUz to find out your CPU usage while in game? You can also use the simple way, open task manager and at the bottom it will tell you your CPU usage while gvame is running. If your see it spike up above 70-80% which shouldnt happen with the i5, then somethings wrong. I see you made sure you have the latest drivers so that wont be an issue, if all else fails try lowering you GPU settings and change them all to application controlled. Also does this happen also when playing campaign? (not playing through a online network) If it only happens when playing ONLINE it could be a internet/ethernet issue.

Dude, I found the problem using MSI Afterburner. It seems that my GPU temp during load was fixed at 63-64 C.I saw that to maintain this temp, the GPU activity lowers to 0% to 10% for a couple of seconds. I have unoverclocked the card (not underclock) and made the fan run at 50% and I will try to provide you guys with more info as I run more tests and try different fan speed setups.
@50% FAN Power, Noise is low and temp. generally stays at 63-64 and the number of fps drops have decreased.

overclocking alone, used too much, can cause the problems you listed, overclock with care.


The max temp is only 65C but for some reason, temp does not increase beyond that. Increasing the fan speed does help a lot.


nice work

FAN at 65% and max temp is 57. no more FPS drops.