Battlestar Galactica MMO Game in Development

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So you take this hugely popular series and spin it off into a *browser-based* MMO? What? I think it should be made right, as a true blue executable. I'm not sure how popular it's going to be given we have Eve, Star Trek, and soon to be Star Wars. Unless it's going to try and innovate, and be a "real" MMO demanding some serious hardware I just don't see it drawing a solid base.

It almost sounds like they'd have to roll it out like Lord of the Rings given that the story behind Battlestar isn't (as?) open-ended like Star Trek was.. It's more A to Z, linear.
[citation][nom]tipoo[/nom]Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.[/citation]
Right on!

I was intrigued until the browser-based part. I'm sure they'll also try to slip in some ridiculous romance between Apollo and Starbuck that will just keep going, and going, and going....
Another Frakkin' crappy shovelware MMO based on a damn good franchise (MONTHS of development ffs - and smartphone capability?!?).

Oh well, it has happened before and it will happen again, sadly.
This is almost certain to be a travesty. BSG has a very definite ending, and it isn't one which would allow a continuation of events flying around fighting in space. Which means it can't be a sequel and stay even remotely true to the show's story. Which leaves two options: prequel or side story. A prequel is doable, as you can go through the first cylon war, but given that it ends with an armistice and the disappearance of the cylons, the endgame would be a bit of a letdown. Which leaves us with a side story. This would be a bit of a challenge, as you could either dump players on other battlestars, which don't exist according to the show, or on Galactica. The latter option presents its own problems, as you can either rehash the existing story or embellish it, which would be difficult to do without compromising the quality of the story.

Whatever path they take, I'm not hopeful. And being browser-based worries me even more. Granted, browser based games have made great strides in the past few years (Quake Live, anyone?), but you just can't get the same degree of power and control over the hardware you can with a standalone engine.
Being browser-based isn't so bad. The Tiger Wood's online game doesn't look half bad for a browser-rendered game. If all you can think of is Runescape then you need to go and find out what you can actually do in a browser.

Of course I don't like MMOs, so I have that against it.
Yeah, right... And will it be designed and charged for by someone like Cryptic ? We saw it with Star Trek Online and gamers simply will not accept franchised software from companies incapable of providing reasonable gameplay and support.
All the people burned by Star Trek Online will be sitting on the fence with me until it really proves it is more than hype.
[citation][nom]luman[/nom]So you take this hugely popular series and spin it off into a *browser-based* MMO? What? I think it should be made right, as a true blue executable. I'm not sure how popular it's going to be given we have Eve, Star Trek, and soon to be Star Wars. Unless it's going to try and innovate, and be a "real" MMO demanding some serious hardware I just don't see it drawing a solid base.[/citation]WoW doesn't really demand serious hardware... you shouldn't need hardcore cutting edge graphics to make a fun MMO, although it IS a nice bonus. Anyway, while I liked the new BSG series, I don't think it's that popular among gamers. Even among sci-fi MMO fans, its going to lose out to Star Trek, Star Wars, and EVE/DUST. Even if they made a full-fledged MMO, I don't think anything would change that fact.

Plus its a whole lot cheaper this way. I don't think any company is going to put a year or two and lots of money into a BSG MMO, when the sad truth is that it probably won't be able to draw enough people to stay alive and grow. Especially if they charge the standard $50 box + $15/month to keep money flowing in. It would probably be like Tabula Rasa all over again anyway.

No, I think it was this, or nothing. Maybe they would have been better off with nothing, only time will tell.
being a cylon... hmm... i don't think i'll be interested to see my character to look exactly like the other cylons. afterall, there are only like 10 humanoid (flesh) cylons...
i do hope they will make this a free-to-play game.
[citation][nom]TookeyMan[/nom]*rollseyes* Not another MMO...At first I really liked the new Battlestar but that quickly changed when it got all weird.[/citation]
I agree, At first I really liked the new Battlestar but that quickly changed when it got all weird. The new Caprica is crappy too.
[citation][nom]Regulas[/nom]The new Caprica is crappy too.[/citation]

Speaking of Caprica, they should do an MMO based on the Holo-Band world, where Zoe's avatar resides. One which you can be anything, do anything or anyone and have no fear of consequences... No Wait, that already exists. Second Life anyone? 😛
Why does everything have to be an MMO these days? You'd think there is only a certain amount of people out there that are going to play an MMO due to the time demands they put on you. I don't recall there being any decent regular BSG games either.
Why does everything have to be an MMO these days? You'd think there is only a certain amount of people out there that are going to play an MMO due to the time demands they put on you. I don't recall there being any decent regular BSG games either.
[citation][nom]randomizer[/nom]Being browser-based isn't so bad. The Tiger Wood's online game doesn't look half bad for a browser-rendered game. If all you can think of is Runescape then you need to go and find out what you can actually do in a browser.Of course I don't like MMOs, so I have that against it.[/citation]

I haven't played runescape in a few years, but my little brother does, and with full screen + max settings + antialiasing, the game is starting to look really good.

Don't believe me? Try it out, its actually pretty interesting lol
I have a hard time thinking of this as a Good MMO. It's too linear... the stage is rather limited, and browser based? I'll play if it's free for sure... but I won't be paying. I'm a huge fan of the series BTW!
hmmm... very dunno if BSG and its complexity can become a browser base MMO.. Coming from a major fan of BTRL in homage to BSG gameplay..... course then again some browser mmo's are fun (Deepolis) is one of them, but as long as it doesn't get too repetitive then it can be ok... Still, shame for a shameless plug at scoring $$ from a franchise in name only.
[citation][nom]RipperjackAU[/nom]Speaking of Caprica, they should do an MMO based on the Holo-Band world, where Zoe's avatar resides. One which you can be anything, do anything or anyone and have no fear of consequences... No Wait, that already exists. Second Life anyone?[/citation]Yeah either that or The Matrix, both of which are terrible for very different reasons.
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