[citation][nom]luman[/nom]So you take this hugely popular series and spin it off into a *browser-based* MMO? What? I think it should be made right, as a true blue executable. I'm not sure how popular it's going to be given we have Eve, Star Trek, and soon to be Star Wars. Unless it's going to try and innovate, and be a "real" MMO demanding some serious hardware I just don't see it drawing a solid base.[/citation]WoW doesn't really demand serious hardware... you shouldn't need hardcore cutting edge graphics to make a fun MMO, although it IS a nice bonus. Anyway, while I liked the new BSG series, I don't think it's that popular among gamers. Even among sci-fi MMO fans, its going to lose out to Star Trek, Star Wars, and EVE/DUST. Even if they made a full-fledged MMO, I don't think anything would change that fact.
Plus its a whole lot cheaper this way. I don't think any company is going to put a year or two and lots of money into a BSG MMO, when the sad truth is that it probably won't be able to draw enough people to stay alive and grow. Especially if they charge the standard $50 box + $15/month to keep money flowing in. It would probably be like Tabula Rasa all over again anyway.
No, I think it was this, or nothing. Maybe they would have been better off with nothing, only time will tell.