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From: Jonathan Powles (tamino@bigpond.com)
Subject: Re: Forwarding Diplomatic Messages
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Newsgroups: rec.games.diplomacy
Date: 2004-09-10 06:06:13 PST
Mind, you, real life too has probably not yet come to terms with the
immediacy, informality, yet "in writing-ness" of email. The person
first decided that Bc: should be a standard email function has a dark,
soul and needs to take responsibility for much chaos and misery. And
I have
a hunch he or she might have been a Dip player ...
LOL My Dip soul is black as the ace of spades. Unlike forwarding,
which I do rarely, I make fairly regular use of the BCC. A valuable
From: Jonathan Powles (tamino@bigpond.com)
Subject: Re: Forwarding Diplomatic Messages
View this article only
Newsgroups: rec.games.diplomacy
Date: 2004-09-10 06:06:13 PST
Mind, you, real life too has probably not yet come to terms with the
immediacy, informality, yet "in writing-ness" of email. The person
first decided that Bc: should be a standard email function has a dark,
soul and needs to take responsibility for much chaos and misery. And
I have
a hunch he or she might have been a Dip player ...
LOL My Dip soul is black as the ace of spades. Unlike forwarding,
which I do rarely, I make fairly regular use of the BCC. A valuable