BDC went down.


Apr 3, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.domain (More info?)


Senario (NT4 servers and workstations).
2 physical locations, A and B.
A has the PDC and B has a BDC.
BDC server goes down for a period of time.
Users in location B should logon and get validated from PDC in location A.
BUT, only some people in location B gets validated other doesnt.
(If you already here got some surgestions to what might be the trouble feel
free to tell :)

- How can I test this senario without closeing the BDC to find out what
wrong ?
I know of one who failed and one who succeeded in logging on.
- I want workstation (in location B) that it should log on to the PDC, but
how ?
setprfdc.exe is NOT in >SP4. But e3ven if I do find the exe file would it
accomplish what I want?



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.domain (More info?)

Check the problem machines local lmhosts file and
verify there are no static entries particularly the domain
name 1c group name.

"dd" <hmm> wrote in message
> Hi
> Senario (NT4 servers and workstations).
> 2 physical locations, A and B.
> A has the PDC and B has a BDC.
> BDC server goes down for a period of time.
> Users in location B should logon and get validated from PDC in
location A.
> BUT, only some people in location B gets validated other doesnt.
> (If you already here got some surgestions to what might be the trouble
> free to tell :)
> - How can I test this senario without closeing the BDC to find out
> wrong ?
> I know of one who failed and one who succeeded in logging on.
> - I want workstation (in location B) that it should log on to the PDC,
> how ?
> setprfdc.exe is NOT in >SP4. But e3ven if I do find the exe file would
> accomplish what I want?