All of the people calling me and others crazy for saying GPUs will eventually get back to MSRP if people are willing to wait long enough have finally been proven wrong.
Manufacturers cannot charge more than what the market will bear and the market for people willing to pay exorbitant premiums has finally been exhausted..
Who said you were crazy? This was inevitable with the rise and fall of markets. Supply was bound to recover, and don't forget the timing just before new tech is coming out. What I am saying is people that say 'ok, this time, for sure, crypto is done for!' Have been proven wrong over and over again. They will eventually be right though, and they will shout, 'I told you so!' never bothering to recognize the impact of something having reached the end of it's inevitable evolutionary cycle. And with technology, these cycles are faster than ever before.
i don't think we will: with the global natural resources and energy crunch, PoW crypto will be forced into retirement before the next crypto bubble by energy costs. The number of people who got conned into believing that crypto would be more stable than fiat currencies in its first large-scale trial-by-fire in the current global downturn should also greatly diminish interest in the next crypto cycle. NFTs' spectacular failures over the last year have also driven awareness of the volatility of virtual "assets."
By the next boom, we'll likely have a bunch of courts and governments who will have settled whether crypto is a a stock, bond, currency or something else with all of the tax and consumer protection requirements that go with them, which could massively increase the regulatory burdens people who want to get involved with it have to jump through to the point of most people giving up. Crypto is going to lose a good chunk of its appeal if governments decide that all transactions between legal entities must be done through registered and verified wallet addresses.
Crypto will always be a thing, the usefulness of an decentralized world-wide currency has been proven. Will it exist in it's current form and be mined and distributed the same way? It will evolve. Crypto WILL change, but it's influence is irreversable. I believe we are a ways off of such a big seperation, again this will happen fast because of technology, but I feel 10 years is a good time line. Practical Quantum computers are just around the corner and will be game changers for such tasks and security... not to mention AI and bots. Cryptos biggest weakness right now is it's tie to fiat, it cannot replace currencies in it's current state. Security, upgradability, influence, resource drain are all still very big concerns and have yet to be solved.
It's just ridiculous that with every fall, there are people shouting from the rooftops, IT HAS CRASHED !! I TOLD YOU SO! When this is what markets do, especially considering worldwide crisis and corrupt regimes such as the US is facing now. All markets are wonky right now and fiat is spiraling down in a major way. This will only bolster support for alternatives. Yes the governments see it as a threat. They will attempt to shut it down and regulate it and just might succeed, for a time. This was one of the founding ideas behind be ungovernable.
They are also attempting to tax the bejusus out of market gains, they just increased the tax rate. Recent stock inheritance rules also added a tax burden. Hell, they are pushing to even tax unrealized gains via the "TAX THE RICH!" movement...which would screw all asset holders.