Bent cpu pins


Dec 17, 2015
When I was installing my cpu I bent a couple of the pins on the motherboard socket.

If I can get cpu socket pins to be rebent back into place at my local computer shop, will the motherboard be fine, or should I scrap the board and just learn from my mistakes?

Theoretically you can re-bend the pins. In practice you have a very low chance of success in my experience. Bent pins are not covered warranty. Your best option is to use the steadiest hands imaginable and bend the pins back and if that fails buy a new board.
(Just saying, dont downvote an answer thats true and helpful just if its not what you want to hear)
That aside, socket pins are extremely hard to straighten out without breaking them, or bending more in the process.
If you have very steady hands, and its only a few (1-3 or so) I would say give it a shot. Other than that, new board time.
Theoretically you can re-bend the pins. In practice you have a very low chance of success in my experience. Bent pins are not covered warranty. Your best option is to use the steadiest hands imaginable and bend the pins back and if that fails buy a new board.
If they are bent back to their original positions without damage they should be functionally the same.
If they are not in their original positions (slightly off) they can short, or simply bend back the wrong way again.
You also run the risk of them breaking at any time, as they are weakened from the movement (gold is very malleable and brittle at the same time)
If you do a perfect job then no. But if the pin is just slightly off it could make contact in a way that will harm the CPU over the long run or even break it outright when you first power on. If you are not confident you can do it yourself or the shop will not warrant their repair. I change my original suggestion. Just buy a new board and spare yourself from losing the CPU too.