Best 4k tv as a pc monitor and or projector or really bad a** monitor?


Mar 17, 2014
So i need opinions and lots of um. I don't have anything against using pc specific monitors, but i don't have a lot of real estate to use a monitor and a tv along with the fact i game on consoles and would rather just get a 4k tv that can do both or all three unless of course someone knows of some god computer monitor that has a bajillion hdmi ports and an insane refresh rate. My only criteria is it has to at least have the ability to display 60fps more the merrier though. Could care less about 3d personally it's a gimmick and please no curved tv's. Projectors are totally cool too. Right last bit has to be at least 40+ inches. Thanks in advance.
TVs naturally have a lot of lag due to all the processing they do to enhance the image to compete with other brands. Monitors are the better choice if you're a gamer. Best 4k monitor out is the Acer XB280HK. This has one port though. The only to have plentiful ports is to go the TV route unfortunately. Wait out for HDMI 2.0 to roll around because Seiki is promising some quality 4k tv options with 60hz.
@tmacg55 Yeah i see that a monitor would be the obvious choice, higher refresh rate less ms lagg etc. etc. shoots out unicorn from its *** it's just not an option for me i need something thats at least 40+ inches and with quite a few hdmi ports. I guess i'll just have to wait until 4k becomes more "mainstream" especially considering creating a rig to run 4k will take an arm and a leg. Whelp thanks fo the advice.

yea, once HDMI 2.0 protocol rolls around around early 2015, 4k will be mainstream.