Best $800 video card setup for 4k gaming?


Sep 21, 2012
I'm looking for some upgrades at the moment and I have everything picked out except for the video cards. Seeing as I have $800, I figure that sli/xfire is definitely the way to go for 4k.

I was looking into the 970 sli and the 290x xfire (non reference, of course), but I'm not sure which to get, if even that.

Any advice on what to go with? Running with a 4790k, 16gb memory, and a 1000w psu outputting 83.3a on the +12v rail.
970 sli it is. Now, availability out of the way, which one is the quietest/coolest? Those are my main priorities, with overclocking potential coming next.

BTW, my pc color scheme is orange and black...

Asus STRIX is pretty quite and their fans don't run when the gpu is idle. So it will make no noise when GPU is idle.

The ASUS GTX 970 Strix is the coolest:,27.html

The Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 is also a good factory overclocked graphics with one of the best cooling.