Best anti virus?

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Nov 3, 2013
Okay so I'm tired of avg constantly asking to upgrade, always blocking me from sites and programs, alt-tab ing me out of games and stopping me from playing insurgency forcing me to turn off my computer by the wall. So I was wondering whats a good free alternative to avg for win 8.1
If you know what are you doing with your PC and are using your brain while browsing and downloading stuff, you don't need AV. But if you really want one-try Kaspersky. It really catches viruses and gives smaller amount of fake alerts.

True, I've gone a stint without an AV, but it's nice to have one for the just in cases. I get blocked malicious connections just browsing pictures on Google, and the occasional from Skype.

Malwarebytes suits me just fine. I've been running it as my primary for awhile now. I can't say I trust any anti virus made to date. They all have a hidden agenda tucked away somewhere. They're all the same in that they bug you with subscriptions, irrelevant junk, and overall just hog your CPU doing god knows what. In that sense, there are no truly "free" AV. I prefer lightweight underlying protection that only shows itself when there's a problem. Wrap your system with a few good lightweight layers of protection is just as good as, if not better than, any half baked AV.

This article was a decent read about the NSA, and AV companies building backdoors for the NSA's Magic Lantern.
Yeah all AV come with a lot of back ground crap that runs with them. I prefer not to use them and just scan Malwarebytes every couple of days. I frankly do not trust any AV what so ever but if need be people should use Kaspersky/AVG.
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