Best Budget cpu for this gpu.

May 16, 2018
i have a gtx 960 4gb ver. and i havent find any budget cpu that work best with it. since pc part from my country pretty expensive. currently i have FM2/FM2+, Am3, LGA 1150 MOBO with me. My budget was below $100 (Rm 400). is there any cpu that pair well with this gpu with that budget?

Need to know what CPU you have currently, if you are attempting to upgrade. Also, those sockets are all dead upgrade paths. However, you will get the best upgrade path w/ the 1150 socket. If those CPUs are too expensive, then look into the FX series on the AM3+ socket. These CPUs are decent, not really ideal, & will do the job.

If you can upgrade to the AM4 socket, your choices for budget CPUs will greatly increase & their performance rivals Intel...

Need to know what CPU you have currently, if you are attempting to upgrade. Also, those sockets are all dead upgrade paths. However, you will get the best upgrade path w/ the 1150 socket. If those CPUs are too expensive, then look into the FX series on the AM3+ socket. These CPUs are decent, not really ideal, & will do the job.

If you can upgrade to the AM4 socket, your choices for budget CPUs will greatly increase & their performance rivals Intel CPUs in both single thread & multithreaded processes now.

i'm using AMD A6-5400k for now, with 8gb 1333mhz ddr3 ram.

it was MSI B85m-E45 board.

On the 1150 socket, which that MSI mobo is, then you would be limited to either a Core i3 or Pentium based on your limit of $100 USD. You could even buy used if you wanted to take the gamble, but if it isn't a Xeon, then I wouldn't buy a used CPU.

Why would he be limited to an i3? It can take all i3/5/7 chips
The statement about a gamble buying a cpu secondhand is silly.

I really don't mean to be rude, but please read all of what I had said & don't just pick & choose parts of it.

I specifically said that, based on a budget limitation of $100 USD, that is what the OP would be limited to. That does NOT mean that i5 & i7 chips will not work w/ the mobo. The "used" portion of my comment was also based on the assumption, that any individual looking for a good deal, might go to a used part dealer or even Ebay to pick up a used CPU for even cheaper. I warn again this, unless it is a Xeon that has been verified to work, since you can never tell if someone has overclocked said CPU. This of course only really applies to the SKUs that allow for overclocking, but normally that is pretty self-explanatory I would think.
OCing a CPU doesn't break it, unless it is broken. You wouldn't know if a chip is OC'd or not.
It just doesn't work like that.
I would say less than 0.01% of people who OC have broken their CPU. All the people I know, have never broken their CPU.

There are PLENTY of I5's well under $100 on Ebay - so if he looked there he would have more than a bargain.

Buyers on Ebay are protected from things "not working" even if they are secondhand.

Again with the picking and choosing. I'm not going to argue with you about something you apparently know nothing about.