Best Buy May Sell Google Glass in 2014

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i wonder how difficult it would be for google to establish their very own wireless network... they have the funds, and surely they can change things for the better if they do it (such as what they're doing with google fiber)

maybe wi-fi all over? who knows? that would be excellent. you pay for your own log-in, and you can have a perfect connection wherever you go
i wonder how difficult it would be for google to establish their very own wireless network... they have the funds, and surely they can change things for the better if they do it (such as what they're doing with google fiber)

maybe wi-fi all over? who knows? that would be excellent. you pay for your own log-in, and you can have a perfect connection wherever you go
I would love to see Google add a retail stance for all their products. Everything you can buy on the Play Store. they would retail. Also Google becoming both a phone network and ISP would be awesome. They have the resources and maybe the could incorporate Google Voice into their Phone Network, like with Fiber. If they want to give me the real "Nexus" experience, I would have them connected to everything I own, and being the one to connect all those things. Google wallet is also pretty innovative, they would for sure have NFC scanners at checkout.

And for all the naysayers, If you think we shouldn't trust Google, too bad, if they wanted our information, they would have already had it. And what are you trying to hide?
Best Buy is still going to be in business by then?? I thought everyone had already figured out they are over priced and the staff are not knowledgeable about products.
"plans to rent 6,000 square feet inside every Best Buy"

Clearly they meant 600 square feet, Don't think the nearest Best Buy to me "Topeka KS" is 6000 sqft

BB isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Circuit City died because there wasn't room for both retailers and their marketing and management failed at every opportunity big time. Occasionally I find a better deal at BB than I would online through Amazon or NewEgg which is of course tax free and usually free shipping...even on big ticket items like HDTVs and PC monitors. Every time I go into BB (especially on Sundays when the new sales go on), there are plenty of customers in there and at the checkout lines. And I'm in a major US city where we have 10+ of them in the greater metro area.

"just a toy nothing more."

It may start out as merely a toy, but I think that its successors will change the world. Augmented reality is going to be huge.
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