I want to get the best budget i5 i can make. Since i dont intend to use my new build for gaming or video encoding, i dont intend to OC the cpu to a big extent, only what little or ok limit. So i think buying the non K version of the i5 will be a good choice for the budget.
While if i intended to OC, then the cost of the better PSU + extra cost of buying a cooler + REAL BIG COST EXTRA OF A PREMIUM MOBO, for good OC capability would not be worth it.
I already have the Nvidia GT430 gpu. Thats the only thing i would use in the new rig. And would prefer the ivy bridge, than the sandy but would like to know what you guys think as well, for the price and performance.
Also tell me upto what will i be able to OC that configuration, then upto what ? but that OC should not bear any more cost as extra. If can OC only a little too even, would be fine for me.
Also if there's a slightly low equivalent amd config too (atleast an acclaimed 4-core or 6-core), but at a more less price, would like to consider that too, but only if costs quite less, but gives only some less performance only.
So kindly tell me the best i5 build that a person can build for a minor gaming and minor video encoding system. The best i5 config at budget (not cheapest config but the best performance at a budget price).
While if i intended to OC, then the cost of the better PSU + extra cost of buying a cooler + REAL BIG COST EXTRA OF A PREMIUM MOBO, for good OC capability would not be worth it.
I already have the Nvidia GT430 gpu. Thats the only thing i would use in the new rig. And would prefer the ivy bridge, than the sandy but would like to know what you guys think as well, for the price and performance.
Also tell me upto what will i be able to OC that configuration, then upto what ? but that OC should not bear any more cost as extra. If can OC only a little too even, would be fine for me.
Also if there's a slightly low equivalent amd config too (atleast an acclaimed 4-core or 6-core), but at a more less price, would like to consider that too, but only if costs quite less, but gives only some less performance only.
So kindly tell me the best i5 build that a person can build for a minor gaming and minor video encoding system. The best i5 config at budget (not cheapest config but the best performance at a budget price).