Best cpu for rx480 8 8gb


Feb 11, 2017
I'm thinking to build a new system but wondering which cpu to choose for the rx 480 8gb for maximum performance . Any suggestions?
As above. The best CPU for anything is the fastest you can be bothered to pay for.

If that amount is over $300, then Ryzen may be an option depending on your faith that optimizations will bring Ryzen up to par for gaming in more titles in the not too distant future.
So far Ryzen is not matching Intel in games so buying Ryzen is betting on things getting better and I remember when many used to say the FX8XXX series would catch up Intel with optimisation and that never happened.

I'd go 7600k or if you want to stream or multitask then a 7700k.

Actually, if you compare the FX8350 against other chips from back when it was new and now, after a few years of software, scheduler, etc. optimizations, the FX8350 did catch up with the i5-3570 in many games over time or even beat it.

Significant optimizations did happen.

Then it got beat by an i3.

With the amount of basic optimization work in Windows' scheduler though, that could change within the next year if not sooner. Right now, benchmark results clearly show that something isn't right with how Windows schedules threads for the architecture and that hamstrings it.