I'm looking for a fan controller that can handle 18 of these fans http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA68V21E0611&cm_re=silent_wings_2_120mm-_-9SIA68V21E0611-_-Product
Any suggestions? I will be using this for zone control http://www.frozencpu.com/products/23517/ele-1301/4-Pin_PWM_Power_Distribution_PCB_8x_Way_Block_MMT-PCB-8P-44P.html?tl=c121s424b214
Plan on having about 3 fans for two zones, 5 fans for two zones, and one fan for two other zones.
What would be the best fan controller for this?
Any suggestions? I will be using this for zone control http://www.frozencpu.com/products/23517/ele-1301/4-Pin_PWM_Power_Distribution_PCB_8x_Way_Block_MMT-PCB-8P-44P.html?tl=c121s424b214
Plan on having about 3 fans for two zones, 5 fans for two zones, and one fan for two other zones.
What would be the best fan controller for this?