Looking for a CPU to replace my A8-6600k. I know there's the A10 series and Athlon X-4 series, but which is better for gaming? Are there any other series of CPU's I am missing for FM2/FM2+?
Current specs:
A68HM-E33 V2 - MOBO
A8-6600K - CPU
EVGA 1050 ti - GPU
Games: TF2, Overwatch, H1Z1, Diablo 3. Playing games on lowest possible settings. I love ever molecule of FPS I can get.
Current specs:
A68HM-E33 V2 - MOBO
A8-6600K - CPU
EVGA 1050 ti - GPU
Games: TF2, Overwatch, H1Z1, Diablo 3. Playing games on lowest possible settings. I love ever molecule of FPS I can get.