So that explains why, I live near aussie (Indonesia) where they still sell perfectly refurbished Pentium 1 for those cheap people who can get an iPhone 5s but not a PC
Also I dont trust buying off ebay because its a lotta more work to do than just buy alternative stuff-do-hickeys, and its allotta more do this-that thingy to get even a Flashdisk to your hand personally if it comes to your country, like customs and stuff, thats why I dont buy online except for digital stuff like redeemable code or some sort of stuffnuggets,
FYI, most stuff in my country needs confirmation if you want to buy anything, the distributor ain't working their butts off to do something they do, and 60% of stuff they sell on America, dont go down here, and you need to wait 2-3 months for something that's released to get here, and if you want to buy it, too bad son, its outta stock ,like America never got outta stock
Moar information: 90% of games here is cheap pirated game which doesnt work 30% of the time and cost roughtly 10$ per game, its tough to find real original game here, either you preorder online to certain distributor who cant even take cash on delivery and take only credit card, or you buy it on Origin/Uplay/Steam, which the vouchers are even rarer than genuine stuff in here, and costs 50% more, This country is crazy on technology, except for gadgets, the stuff here is fast growing and nearly everyone HAS to have it, even farmers got a cheapo one that costs roughly $50, well maybe its their will but come on, we need some pump on the computer type of market, not just gadgets and other things