Best gaming laptop with at least 2gb vram for less than $960

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Oct 15, 2017
I just got a new job and am saving for a gaming laptop so i can ditch my old dino alienware replacement laptop the shop sent me. My budget is $960 including tax and shipping costs.

My requirements:
nvidia or amd dedicated gpu with at least 2gb vram
at least 8gb system ram
wifi of course doesn't matter if its n vs ac
at least a core i7 2nd gen or amd equivilant of that (most good gaming laptops should have better than 2nd gen i7 for $900 some bucks obiously)
sata hard drive (no pata ide but most gaming laptops have sata duh)
headphone jack for my brookstone cat ears headphones lol
and not come from overseas
price must include the taxes and shipping costs
any major brand gaming laptops are good but no junk please

this is one i found


any other suggestions you may have are great. the less expensive the better
OK, so you have a debit card. That should work with MicroCenter - and they happen to have this $600 Dell:

Lesser specs but lower price, too.

If you create a PayPal account you can shop at And they have this $700 ASUS:

Broadly similar to the MSI linked earlier. At around $700 you have to accept notable compromises - and below this point it's going to be refurbished laptops. had a lot of gaming laptops you can compare for about $1,000. You don't really need an i7 and can save some money there, or put it towards a solid state drive. BTW, not a single laptop now will have a PATA drive, gaming or not. And no new system will have a 2nd gen Intel CPU, maybe 6th would be the earliest.

Not sure what you mean about not come from overseas, no laptops are made in the US.
I’m looking for $960 including taxes and shipping not $1000!!any OTHER suggestions????

Nothing wrong with the ASUS, but this $849 MSI from Amazon US is also worth considering:

This MSI weighs 5.29lbs and gives you a 128GB SSD for the OS and a 1TB HDD for your games and documents. It also features an IPS panel that will make it much more useful for non-gaming activities (productivity and entertainment).

I have no idea what kind of taxes you'd incur with this purchase, but the MSI does qualify for the Amazon Free Shipping program.
Despite the small problem of me not having amazon prime OR a credit card this is still a great option I’ll consider for sure and is cheaper than the asus is saw while still being what I need.can anyone find anything cheaper?? Just wondering

Prepaid GreenDot debit card or visa gift card

OK, so you have a debit card. That should work with MicroCenter - and they happen to have this $600 Dell:

Lesser specs but lower price, too.

If you create a PayPal account you can shop at And they have this $700 ASUS:

Broadly similar to the MSI linked earlier. At around $700 you have to accept notable compromises - and below this point it's going to be refurbished laptops.
The dell one looks like a winner to me

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