Best gaming monitor for 1900x1200

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Jun 19, 2008
I'm looking for the best monitor in the market for gaming, 1900x1200 is the native resolution im looking for, plus i dont want a huge monitor coz the distance from my chair and monitor are just about 1 meter...
p.s. im running gtx 295
at the moment im using samsung 22" 2232gw+ but it's only up to 1680x1050... and im with gtx295... so i think at this resolution is kinda waste of my graphic card...
22"-24" i think should be fine... since im used to 22" already
so now we got 3 monitors Samsung 2693HM ASUS VW266H and Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP
comparing the specs which offers the best quality?
thanks for the suggestions so far... now im considering
between Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP and SAMSUNG ToC T240HD Rose-Black 24"
well it looks like samsung has better contrast ratio and response time? but dell supports HDMI.... hmm which is better? 😀
+1 for Samsung, no dead pixels after years
Currently I have Samsung Syncmaster T260 (1920*1200)..excellent monitor and my GTX 295 felt in love with it 😍 😀

I dont know why your worried about HDMI , its of lower quality then DVI and video cards almost always come with a DVI to HDMI converter to connect it to your TV. And you get no loss in quality since DVI suuports ALL resoutions and HDMI stops at a certain point.
thanks again for the suggestions.. last thing, :O
ive went to a Dell shop here and saw the monitor.. it looks like the quality of the color is much better ;O but the response time bothers me :O
6ms (GTG) and 2 MS are big differences?
there is a big diffrence see as if GTG is only 2ms that means your color response time is going to be a lot better. and most stores that sell multiple brands of monitors dont touch the monitors and leave them at default or lower settings. play with the settings when you get your samsung, I've done that with every monitor I've ever got. Trust me you will love it and it will last.
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