Best GPU brand/??


Dec 31, 2013
I was thinking about getting GTX 760 for my new pc build but i have no clue what to get. EVGA, MSI,ASUS??? Can someone help me out! Thanks.
I suspect that the sample sizes of any Tom's users will be too small for statistical significance. That said, we all have our favorites, and some brands consistently get recommendations. EVGA is one of those. I have had good results with them, and also from MSI, but personally not from Asus; note what I said above about sample sizes, and be aware that a lot of people do like Asus. The Gigabyte WF3 cooler is excellent, so there's another good choice.
What will be the most notable differences among brands are their coolers and their warranties, and also their customer service. Individually, Newegg customer reviews are little more than fluff, although trends may be noteworthy, particularly when many people complain about noise, few...
All three are top quality and you can't go wrong with any of them, I generally go with EVGA as their warranty and step up program are the best. If I have an issue with a defective card they replace it with very little hassle.

EVGA has very good coolers and their new ACX cooler is top quality.
Depends on the clock speeds and cuda cores, effective memory clock and version(im guessing the 2GB version.) Most important, the price your willing to spend.
Based on 2GB 256-bit versions:

cuda cores 1152
Core Clock 1072 MHz
Boost clock 1137 MHz
Effective mem clock 6008MHz

cuda cores 1152
Core Clock 1085 MHz
Boost clock 1150 MHz
Effective mem clock 6008MHz

cuda cores 1152
Core Clock 1006 MHz
Boost clock 1072MHz
Effective mem clock 6008MHz

Im a ASUS fanboy, but i'd have to admit MSI comes out on TOP probably nothing you will notice but yeah.
I suspect that the sample sizes of any Tom's users will be too small for statistical significance. That said, we all have our favorites, and some brands consistently get recommendations. EVGA is one of those. I have had good results with them, and also from MSI, but personally not from Asus; note what I said above about sample sizes, and be aware that a lot of people do like Asus. The Gigabyte WF3 cooler is excellent, so there's another good choice.
What will be the most notable differences among brands are their coolers and their warranties, and also their customer service. Individually, Newegg customer reviews are little more than fluff, although trends may be noteworthy, particularly when many people complain about noise, few have gotten their rebates, or tech support is non-existent.

I'd have to agree, i do like ASUS gear....but im gona admit the RMA process is just bunch of BS! To each his own!

Your right gigabyte has some power also, Only reason it was not mentioned is when i was viewing this guys question it was not mentioned so i figured he wanted some stats from brands he specified but looking at the gigabyte its the same as the MSI version so there's another option if maybe one is cheaper?
MSI all the way. Also, I know you're talking about the 760, but just for informational purposes...the MSI GTX 780 Ti GAMING received the best reviews out of the major brands. It's also the quietest card barely pushing 30 dba under 100% load.
I mentioned Gigabyte 🙂. My HD7970 is their WF3 model, and overclocked to 1130MHz for bitmining (running at ~96%-99%) it kept the card around 70C and did not howl doing it. To contrast, the XFX model I tried first was getting up to at least 85C yet the cooler was screaming; at stock clocks (1000 or 1050 I think). This was quite a disappointment, as past XFX cards I've owned had much better coolers. My XFX HD7870 is a real sweet-spot card.
I wouldn't pay too much attention to the clocks though, unless you have ZERO interest in tweaking. That's because most of them will reach the same clocks using an included utility, or MSI's Afterburner.
(I did not mention XFX earlier as they do not offer nVidia cards like the GTX760; HIS, Powercolor and Sapphire are three other companies from whom I've never obtained a nVidia card, but who offer decent AMD cards).

oh sorry Onus i must have missed it in your post :)