Depends on your budget, your PSU, and how fussy you are about CPU bottleneck. The GTX 1050 Ti is a safe choice. Fast AMD cards are not an option thanks to the miners, so you are stuck with Nvidia.
Depends on your budget, your PSU, and how fussy you are about CPU bottleneck. The GTX 1050 Ti is a safe choice. Fast AMD cards are not an option thanks to the miners, so you are stuck with Nvidia.
I currently have a 450W PSU and my budget is around £200
What your looking at performance wise isn't really going to be majorly fps related though , more a chance to push graphics quality up without losing any fps.
Run a game with your 750ti now at the lowest settings & what you'll see comparatively performance wise will be on oar with the 1050ti at high settings & the 1060 3gb at ultra.
What your looking at performance wise isn't really going to be majorly fps related though , more a chance to push graphics quality up without losing any fps.
Run a game with your 750ti now at the lowest settings & what you'll see comparatively performance wise will be on oar with the 1050ti at high settings & the 1060 3gb at ultra.
So on a game like H1Z1 Kotk I currently get around 45FPS, on low-med settings, will there be much difference? All im looking for is stable 60FPS.