Best Graphics Card pair with an Athlon X4 880k?

I don't think you'll see 60fps with an 880k full stop.
Your lows are down to CPU not gpu.

I would personally

1. Buy the 1050ti
2. Set adaptive vsync to on
3. Change your desktop refresh rate to 50htz rather than 60 htz

You will get very close to a 50fps frame lock that way at high settings.

That's not even close to unplayable & with max fps locked to 50 you will not notice 5 or 6 fps frame drops

I currently have a 450W PSU and my budget is around £200
Ah a vs 450.
Not great but enough

You have 2 choices here IMO.!?productId=66919

They're your best 2 buys in the UK at the minute

What your looking at performance wise isn't really going to be majorly fps related though , more a chance to push graphics quality up without losing any fps.

Run a game with your 750ti now at the lowest settings & what you'll see comparatively performance wise will be on oar with the 1050ti at high settings & the 1060 3gb at ultra.

So on a game like H1Z1 Kotk I currently get around 45FPS, on low-med settings, will there be much difference? All im looking for is stable 60FPS.
I don't think you'll see 60fps with an 880k full stop.
Your lows are down to CPU not gpu.

I would personally

1. Buy the 1050ti
2. Set adaptive vsync to on
3. Change your desktop refresh rate to 50htz rather than 60 htz

You will get very close to a 50fps frame lock that way at high settings.

That's not even close to unplayable & with max fps locked to 50 you will not notice 5 or 6 fps frame drops


Ok will do, cheers matt.