Best Graphics Cards for the Money (Archive)

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I cannot believe you are recommending a 1080 for "maxed out UHD (2160p)" when it clearly cannot maintain consistent playable framerate at that resolution especially with graphics "maxed out".

I mean, this recommendation even contradicts your own review verdict for crying out loud.
@ZAXX420: DO be aware that these articles aren't published the day they're written. What is true about in-stock cards when you read the piece is likely not what was true when it was written.
@CKNOBMAN--and just what would you recommend for maxed out? There's no card on Earth as fast as GTX 1080; do you have a source outside this solar system?

SLI 1070s are faster than a single 1080. There's also option of SLI 1080s for maxed out VR.

I recommend that Toms Hardware recommends cards that can do what they claim.

So in the case of "maxed out UHD (2160p)" it would be at least a SLI solution at this point in time.

If they do not have faith in that and insist on a single card solution then they should be up front in their recommendation and let readers know they will have to make compromises in game graphical settings to achieve smooth framerates at UHD resolutions.
I'm so tired of over-hyped paper launches. Having a blurb that talks about a $650 starting price directly underneath a price list that starts about two hundred dollars higher is absurd.
Are we done with this format? Can we go back to the format that gave the best $100 card or the best $150 card? Guess this 'best for 1080p' format helps someone, but not me. The old format clearly gave the strength of cards vs price so you could find the cards that were options and research them for your needs.

What card for someone upgrading an OEM system with a 300W PSU? There are only a few good options, and you can't find them from this list.

What cards are options for someone upgrading from a GTX 260 who wants to spend $150 or $200? Can't learn that from this list.

It doesn't take an article to tell you that the new AMD and NVIDIA cards are good cards. Not sure what else you can learn from this article. ".. so if you’re ready for an upgrade, be prepared to spend some time camping out online...." Or maybe this article could place the older cards in perspective -- would a $100 GTRX970 be a good buy? I think so. Where does the GTX970 price need to be to make it competitive with the 1060 or 1070? You can't learn that here. Too few choices.
I'm so sick of great cards like the 480 launching with only POS ref blowers allowed then taking forever before allowing custom cards that take weeks to become available at msrp! The 1060 was announced and launched well after the 480 and smokes it in availability. Nvidia realized that ref cards with crap blowers just wastes time.

Nope. Both R7 360 and GTX750Ti relatively comparable in performance. None the wiser, imo. However, right now, the 360 can be had for as low as sub $100. No 750Ti are priced that low. So right now, Tom is right with this recommendation.

The only thing to consider, albeit both had about the same performance, is how you'd need to power it. 750Ti don't need any additional power, meanwhile R7 360 requires 6pin power cable. And that's it.

SLI 1080s does nothing for VR. Standard SLI does not work in VR, and never will. There are newer methods for using multiple GPUs in VR, but they are pretty much not supported by any games yet.
mm ok I hate the new format. And now you've recommended all the new releases which you say are all out of stock. How about recommending cards that are actually obtainable? The Best graphics card articles have been really enjoyable over the years. I have to say, I'm disappointed.
There have been plenty of times in the past where you've passed on recommending cards due to limited stock. Now you have an article full of them.

"Are we done with this format? Can we go back to the format that gave the best $100 card or the best $150 card? Guess this 'best for 1080p' format helps someone, but not me. The old format clearly gave the strength of cards vs price so you could find the cards that were options and research them for your needs."

Agreed, I can't help but wonder... I respect Chris and have followed the monthly articles religiously for years, but I don't like this direction at all. Please consider bringing back some of the old features so folks know exactly what to go out and buy. Performance relative to price is essential.
I happen to like the new format. But I think showing the perf/$ chart for all cards would be a good compromise.

My question is, how do you recommend the RX 480 4GB when you didn't test it?


This is the sort of information that really helps. Having this level discussion around the selection of 5 or 6 price levels covered the options worth considering (except SLI).

IF you read the article, they recognize the 1070 in SLI solution as faster, but this list focuses on single card/single GPU solutions.
I don't care for the new format at all. It was much better to have the cards rated as they were before by price ranges. This new format is horrible I used to look forward to this type of article, now with this format it's difficult to extract quickly the info and comparisons I want/need.

Anyone know some other sites with a better format on this info I can use in the future? I don't think I'm going to use Tom's for this info any more.

What kind of calls do most resellers get? What is the best VGA card for under $150 or can you tell me the Best card for HD (720p) & eSports? I've never ever had anyone ask the later only the former. The categories like Best @ HD (720p) & eSports is good for conversations perhaps, though I've never had anyone ask for a Best @ HD (720p) & eSports card ever. To me it's pointless information I may get a call for once in 10 years, when it happens if Tom's is still here I'll let you know.
I feel for the author. It's hard to make a guide that has everything for everyone. It starts to become a ton of work if you create categories (and winners) for every possible restriction. E.g., "Best graphics card for 1440p in a system with a 300W power supply, one 8-pin power cable, max weight of 300g, max length of 20cm, and a matching red PCB"
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