littleleo :
logainofhades :
Onus :
It isn't BTC any more, it's Litecoin (LTC). Even a 5GHash ASIC is hardly worth running for BTC now, but ASICs cannot mine LTC. Until / unless ASICS for LTC are released, mining them will continue on AMD GPUs.
I am really behind the times as I have never even heard of Litecoin. :lol:
Yeah it's the Litecoin guys creating the shortage in the AMD R9 models and driving up the prices.
You can look at it that way - nothing wrong with that, because obviously the Litecoin boom has increased demand for AMD GPUs.
I look at it more favorably. I can buy an AMD GPU, game on it, but when I'm not gaming I can have it mining and paying for itself.
That logic led me to AMD for two GPU purchases for my boys this last Christmas. If it were not for Litecoin mining, I would have bought a single GTX 760 to be shared. With the ability to Litecoin mine, I purchased an R9 280x for one of my boys and an R9 270x for the younger one. So that's two AMD purchases from what would have been a single GTX purchase. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there following that logic.
At 8:30pm each night, their PCs have scripts scheduled that fire up the mining, and it will run all night and day until they get home from school (and finish their homework). But I don't view myself as a "Litecoin Miner". I'm not going out and buying cards off ebay, putting together rigs in milk crates, etc. I look at it more like collecting Aluminum cans when I was a kid to fund a day at Great America.
The kids are into it. With 3 total AMD GPUs in the house right now, we're counting our LTCs until those GPUs pay for themselves, while the lowly GTX 660 sits quiet in the entertainment center PC. Then, if there's anything left over (if the difficulty doesn't keep going thru the roof), then we may have a day at Bush Gardens.