Best headphones for gaming/music/streaming on twitch

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Jan 28, 2017
Currently im looking to buy headphones that is good for fos gaming/ music/ broadcasting to twitch. I have a rode nt usb mic so i want headphones without mic. My budget is between 250 to 300 if i have to id buy an amp. Please help me pick somethibg worthy.
You can take a look at beyerdynamic's dt range (dt770, dt880, dt990) whith some being open and some closed back. Open is typically better for gaming because it comes with a bigger soundstage so you can pinpoint where sounds are coming from. If I were you, I'd also take a look at because they have really great deals on some headphones all the time, with discounts 40-70% off. If you go there you could get a set of cans worth much much more than what you payed for them.
You can take a look at beyerdynamic's dt range (dt770, dt880, dt990) whith some being open and some closed back. Open is typically better for gaming because it comes with a bigger soundstage so you can pinpoint where sounds are coming from. If I were you, I'd also take a look at because they have really great deals on some headphones all the time, with discounts 40-70% off. If you go there you could get a set of cans worth much much more than what you payed for them.
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