Best Laptop for Minecraft with no lag

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If really that is all you need, it should run fine (according to here: with a i3 $249 laptop from Walmart. If you want to improve graphically, then you can spring for a Haswell (Intel iCore 4xxx) based i3 for that price range with a DEDICATED GPU (instead of INTEGRATED), plenty of deals to be had since you don't have 'severe' demands (i.e. BF4 triple 24" 1080P gaming). for a bunch of deals


Aug 13, 2014

Will this laptop be good for Minecraft and Modded Minecraft? (No Lag)
The first one (Lenovo) is much better then the HP (much better CPU and dedicated video). The downsides are VERY slow HDD (5400 RPM), low end video card (750M performance here: DOTA 2 would be best performance at Medium Graphics on a lower size display for example) and laptops are not upgradeable. So if you spend over $1000 today, within a year or two years you will be looking again to getting another laptop because this can't handle the OLD 2013 (see Watch Dogs is only BEST playable at low graphics 1024x768 display) much less any 2014 and all 2015/2016 titles are UNPLAYABLE. So to me the $1000 is wasted just to 'play' Minecraft.

This is especially true since Minecraft is being released for consoles ( and a PS4 (better choice) can play Assassins Creed Unity at 1080p (1920x1080) HIGH graphics @ 60FPS, which neither laptop can play at all considering the Lenovo can ONLY make Assassin´s Creed IV: Black Flag 2013 playable at low graphics 1024x768 display to get NEAR 51.9 fps AND a PS4 is MUCH LESS then the Lenovo.


Jul 11, 2015


First off don't post to NECRO threads. They are old and dead so normally you wouldn't get a response.
Second you need to review the INFORMATION already provided which discussed this issue.

IF you had read it NO there is no "100£ - 250£ and that runs minecraft around 50 - 60 fps possibly more" .
The suggested US $249 Walmart laptop would play at the performance (see the link in the response) level as noted, but again AS ALREADY SAID would need a dedicated GPU to improve the performance to the levels being asked which GREATLY increases the price way beyond what your asking .

Lastly, as noted, MC is available on CONSOLE (see the post before yours) which considering the COST of a console AS COMPARED to a laptop, and how much BETTER performance for not just MC but any number of other games AND as said AGAIN CHEAPER than a Laptop that can 'play just as good'.

RULE OF THUMB: PAY TO PLAY PERIOD - you want a PORTABLE way to PLAY really well then you need to PAY alot.[
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