Best monitor for ~ £150

When i first read your question title i was going to mention the ASUS VS247H-P and then realized that you were already looking into buying that one. So that monitor is probably your best buy. It is very good for gaming, with a response time of 2ms and a good refresh rate, of 60-75hz. And performs fine with everyday computing. May i suggest that you look into the VS248H-P, its basically the same, with just some slight improvements and its newer, its not much more expensive. But either way, the monitor you picked is perfect.:)
When i first read your question title i was going to mention the ASUS VS247H-P and then realized that you were already looking into buying that one. So that monitor is probably your best buy. It is very good for gaming, with a response time of 2ms and a good refresh rate, of 60-75hz. And performs fine with everyday computing. May i suggest that you look into the VS248H-P, its basically the same, with just some slight improvements and its newer, its not much more expensive. But either way, the monitor you picked is perfect.:)
Thanks for the other suggestions. I searched the VS248H-P on PcPartPicker and it somehow didn't exist, but I found it externally and it costs 10 pounds more, with no apparent difference on any comparison sites, except that its newer. If you know the difference, please tell me.

As for the Acer monitor, I'm not very fond of Acer and I would much prefer an Asus one. Thanks for suggesting it anyway!

I've been looking for the VS248H-P in the UK but can't seem to find it anyway. Are you importing it from America or buying it actually in the UK? If the latter, can you give me the link, please?

I actually saw the wrong name, and I haven't yet found the VS248H-P yet in England. I'd recommend you going with the VS247H-P, its the same but cheaper.