
Nov 19, 2012
I hope you all understand that some of us can only afford to build ONLY ONE PC in their whole life, so I am thinking of making it the perfect PC for my needs of course.
So, I need to do all of the following stuff with my single and (the only at least for 10 years to come I hope) future PC:

1- Engineering Apps and Technical Computing using MATLAB.

2- Programming using Visual C# 2012 and Delphi

3- AutoCAD Electrical some times.

4- Simulation software.

5- Office (Word Excel PowerPoint) lots of it.

6- Adobe Photoshop Image manipulation and design. sometimesز

7- Some gaming and I play heavy games some times too.

8- The usual stuff (Net/Music/Movies)

So,, I am thinking of building a new System that is able to do every one of the above, but I noticed some things that made me confused a little bit.
For example, Some sites said that i7 3770K is perfect for games not for other stuff, while some sites suggest that i7 3930K is best for everything but gaming.

So , could any one please suggest a full PC specs that may give me no compromise performance.

So far I reached The Following Config:
Case: Cooler Master Cosmos II Ultra Tower
MoBo: Asus Rampage IV Extreme
CPU: Intel Core i7 3930K
GPU: Asus GTX 670 DC II
RAM: Corsair Dominator Kit 32GB 1866MHz
HDD: Seagate barracuda 3TB 10000rpm
SSD: Samsung 840 Pro 256GB
PSU: Corsair AX1200
Cooler: Corsair H100

So,, how would the above specs do for me, and I am open to any other suggestion or even a full configuration makeover.

Please let me know what do you think.


Jun 6, 2012
go for faster speed ram like 2133 mhz or 2400 mhz

get 4 gb of ram on your graphics card since you are future proofing
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121659 4 gb edition
might wanna get a second 670

get the 3970x same price better performance

Have you heard of ivy bridge-e its basiclly ivy bridge for the 2011 socket might wanna wait for that or even hasewell-e

might wanna go for a custom water cooled system because 3970 and 3960 get really hot

If you will be only getting 1 670 you don't need a 1200 watts psu

I personally would go with a different case however the cosmos 2 is still really good

I would go for this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163217

hope I helped



Dec 3, 2012
I would advise against the 3930K - it sucks power and there really isn't any advantage. Just buy a 3770K, because it is one well built processor, has the latest architecture and is overclockable, so it'll last years. Paying all that much more isn't really worth it - cores barely make a difference today, and they will barely make one tomorrow - its all about core architectures buddy. Just my advice, if you don't want it, no problem, but I think you should save the cash and just go with the 3770K.


Dec 3, 2012

My ALMOST 10 year old Dimension with a Pentium 4 (Prescott) and 2GB DDR RAM is still going strong... Just can't use Windows anymore ;3 Debian


Nov 19, 2012
I have read so many things that made me confused mainly stating that CPUs and GPUs targeted for gaming are different from and not suitable for other stuff like I mentioned in my question (AutoCAD and others stuff)
So Is that true ??
For example : Nvidia Quadro .. V.S... Nvidia GTX ??