Best PC game(s) for road trip?


May 25, 2011
I'll be going on a long road trip (21 hours) next week and will be spending most of the time playing games with my laptop (i7, 6gb ram, gt520m). What games are best without a mouse that aren't too competitive? I've been looking into FTL and Hotline: Miami, but besides that I don't know many games which are not too fast paced which I can play (well) without a mouse.
I donno if you will be down or have wifi ... but I love the Korean game "rusty hearts" (the name is terrible I know) its basically a instance based MMO where you run dungeons to level up... combat is very intense (closest thing I can compare it too is maybe tekken?) and uses nothing but keyboard.
PVP is also quite fun.
FTL is pretty fun. Civilization IV is also fun. It's a turn based strategy game so you don't need fast mouse movements. I've been playing it with a few friends.


Seriously though I would probably recommend some racing games. Need for speed maybe and I second the earlier Civilazation recommendation. I personally like Civ 3 and 4 the best.
I would get FTL, some racing stuff ,
Try game Don't Starve !
Another option is to get headset and get some movies!

FTL , Binding of Issac , racing games of any kind and movies! Thats what i would get!