Best PC Horror


Alien: Isolation
Alan Wake
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Dead Space 2
Thank you all for your response thus far.. Let's narrow my taste a little bit. I like the jump scares, paranormal type stuff. Graphics being good is definitely a plus for added immersion. So, I would say I am looking for up to date horror. Something to perhaps show off with friends, good sound design and visuals. What you all think?
This may be an answer as far from home as you can get...But TES:Oblivion..Because although it is not focused on horror..There are still some pretty creepy caves that when you are playing at midnight and hear a zombie but don't see might pee your pants.
I think Chimera and John are honestly on the right path. I appreciate freedom, but Oblivion is no where close to horror. I am think more on the the lines of SOMA, Evil Within, or Amnesia. Anything underground that perhaps I did not hear about?

Alien: Isolation
Alan Wake
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Dead Space 2
Definitely Dying Light! I forgot about it, and I loved it. Just a great all around game, and the poster was right about the tension at night...But I learned to avoid travelling at night ingame as much as possible unless I had a storyline mission. It's hella rough at night in DL. XD

Until you get the purple/pink endgame weapons that repair themselves when you kill enemies and you can 1-2 shot the special runners.

It was really easy to avoid the night in that game.