No. There really aren't any. Not in the size, capacity and capabilities you are looking at. Big or budget, can't have both.
Same for any cooler that comes with RGB/ARGB, you get looks or performance gotta sacrifice one to get the other.
There's a reason why Noctua is as successful in its designs as it is, it took them over 20 years of R&D testing to finally release a 200mm fan. Constant failures with chemical composition in the blades rigidity, flex at speed, audible tolerances without sacrificing the motor housing size.
When you figure exactly what the blades are made of, what they can do, the size of the motor housing, and then you want to turn them translucent or funky opaque white and add the pcb inside the motor housing for the leds, and add a ring of leds that'll change the flow patterns and tolerances Noctua demands be the best according to their own standards and you can easily surmise Noctua will Never be party to the RGB fad. It's simply not worth the expense or loss of performance, for a look.
It took Noctua how long to finally produce a Black fan? Yes, the dye used in the blade manufacturing process is also taken into chemical analysis, and the ugly brown (signiture Noctua color) is the result. Noctua literally couldn't change the color if they wanted to, that color is chemically important to the blade composition.
Looks, performance, budget. Have yet to find a fan that fits all 3 and comes out on top, most get all 3 decent at best, maybe ahead in 1 or 2, but not all 3.