Best to Use???

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Jan 2, 2009
I currently use ESET Smart Secruity, Webroot Spysweeper, Super Antispyware, Malwarebytes, all at the same time.

Do you think Sophos is better than Eset?

All this 'vs x vs y' is actually driving me insane and is taking up too much time and leading me around in a circular motion.

Please let me know your preferences on any antivirus or security software?
Best is Kaspersky, Bitdefender and GDATA. ESET is not bad at all.

Why don't u use ESET Smart Secrurity and Malwarebytes.

I'd rather replace Windows firewall with Comodo Firewall,

so ESET Smart Secrurity + Malwarebytes + Comodo Firewall = Great Trio. select to install FW only

Best is Kaspersky, Bitdefender and GDATA. ESET is not bad at all.

Why don't u use ESET Smart Secrurity and Malwarebytes.

I'd rather replace Windows firewall with Comodo Firewall,

so ESET Smart Secrurity + Malwarebytes + Comodo Firewall = Great Trio. select to install FW only

nikorr: I always liked the shields on webroot spysweeper. Does malwarebytes have the same kind of shields?

And I use the ESET interactive firewall and the vista windows firewall with advanced options. Apparently the windows firewall has been enhanced for newer and server versions of windows.

There are so many new pests coming out!


Its not a good idea to use 2 firewalls, turn off the windows one.

ESET has everything u need built in, but there are sometimes better tools to use for other tasks than AV.

U can read some more info here
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