Question Best unpowerhungry GPU for an i3-2100


Jun 20, 2019
Hello. I want to buy a new GPU for my PC. I don't play new AAA games, so my budget is -100 USD. (89€ because i live in Europe.) I want a Graphics Card that doesn't draw a lot of power. I don't want to upgrade my PSU because I already tested GPUs that didn't draw a lot of power and they didn't mess with my system. My specs are down below.
(Sorry if I sounded really nervious on this post, I decided to just create an Account instead of searching tom'sHARDWARE.)

CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 (2 cores 4 threads)
(i)GPU: Intel HD 2000
RAM: 8 GB of DDR3 ram clocked at 1333 MHz
PSU: 320w Stock PSU from HP.
(I don't know my Motherboard so I'll just throw this in here.)
I'd go GT 1030, massively better then your iGPU (HD 2000) and should be within your budget and work with that PSU.

I grabbed this one for my dad awhile ago to pair with his X4 850/8gb DDR3 and it games surprisingly well at 900P. Passively cooled so no noise and I haven't seen it exceed 65C.

PCPartPicker Part List

Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GT 1030 2 GB LP Video Card (€79.80 @ Alza)
Total: €79.80
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-06-20 22:32 CEST+0200