Best upgrades for $240


Jun 25, 2015
I have a PC I recently built. I just came into a $240 check unexpectedly and would like to use it for some upgrades. Any recommendations?

Build specs are:
G3258 OC @ 4.7ghz
Hyper 212 evo
8gb of corsair vengeance 1600 ram
Z97 asrock anniversary mobo
Cx500 psu
GTX 750 Ti
Corsair 200r case
250gb crucial mx100 SSD

I use the computer for mainly WoW, Diablo 3, and bioshock but would like to get into a few new titles like Evolve.

I also use the computer for day to day use too and feel I need to get an HDD for storage at some point

Let me know what you guys think $240 could best be spent on. Thank you!!!!
i did pay the extra and its really not worth it for gaming. unless you have extra money to buy super efficent cooling you dont want the 4790k.
i got the i7 because i needed more threads for compiling source maps.

an i5 will perform fine also for a regular gamer, if you pair it with fast ram and a SSD

either way your bottleneck will be the GPU unless you dont upgrad your cpu. you will need both, a good cpu and gpu.

your gpu outperforms your cpu by a little bit in terms of casual gaming. if you want to run more complex and detailed games you will need to upgrad cpu and gpu.

i suggest you get a used i5 and a gtx960, that is nearly what i did, (spent extra for i7 and cooler)

or you keep your gpu and get another ssd, same one again is...
Well, for $240 there's not that much you can do. You can take a 960 though i'm not sure how 3258 will handle with it. So i would recommend taking a 4460 and a hard drive so you can later on upgrade to something like 960 or 970.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($166.95 @ SuperBiiz)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($47.99 @ Best Buy)
Total: $214.94
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-06-25 14:07 EDT-0400
if you are gaming get an i5 "k" or i7 "k" used. and get a good aircooler aswell. boxed cpus dont run to their full potential.

you will have less trouble finding a game to play with that gpu than with your current gpu. also it will speed everything up in general.
you can probably overclock that ram to 1867mhz on that board btw.
My GPU seems to be handling my games fantastically. I do worry about not having much headroom though and not being able to play some games in the future.

I am wondering if I would get more performance out of my GPU by getting a better CPU , maybe a 4690k. If I did get a 4690k how much performance can I expect to gain since most of my games don't even utilize the 3rd or 4th core and it would be clocked at a similar speed anyway?

Also would it be worth if to sped the extra $80 for a 4790k instead. Or is that overkill and do I even have enough power for a 500w psu to push either of those CPUs
i did pay the extra and its really not worth it for gaming. unless you have extra money to buy super efficent cooling you dont want the 4790k.
i got the i7 because i needed more threads for compiling source maps.

an i5 will perform fine also for a regular gamer, if you pair it with fast ram and a SSD

either way your bottleneck will be the GPU unless you dont upgrad your cpu. you will need both, a good cpu and gpu.

your gpu outperforms your cpu by a little bit in terms of casual gaming. if you want to run more complex and detailed games you will need to upgrad cpu and gpu.

i suggest you get a used i5 and a gtx960, that is nearly what i did, (spent extra for i7 and cooler)

or you keep your gpu and get another ssd, same one again is good and the i5,review-32901.html
