Hey guys, So I recently bought an EVGA 1080ti FE and am looking to watercool it. Problem is I don't have a loop and I have no experience with loops (currently on my first build). I've been using an nzxt kraken x61 280mm on my cpu which BARLEY fits in the case , I'm talking centimeters and because of that I have to install the fans in the front btw. Anyways im hoping to install a water cooled loop using only one radiator for both gpu and cpu (it's a small case). If yall could let me know what you think could pull this off efficently I'd appreciate it. I have no experience with water cooled loops so I don't know what parts I need/what would work best. Keep in mind my case will only fit one radiator up to 280mm
My specs are
NZXT S340 Elite case
750w PSU
Msi gaming z170a
4x8 corsair vengeance DDR4 Ram
My specs are
NZXT S340 Elite case
750w PSU
Msi gaming z170a
4x8 corsair vengeance DDR4 Ram