I've recently bought a house and am moving in 2 weeks. I have a high end gaming rig that I want to put in my office (top floor) but my wife wants it to control the livingroom (middle floor) tv like it has for the last few years. These rooms are on different floors but one is right above the other. My thought is that I could put the PC in the office and use wireless HDMI in the living room since that room will only use the computer for streaming not gaming. I think this will work but want a second opinion, and assuming it does work how will I handle the keyboard and mouse? If I have a wired keyboard and mouse in the office would a second wireless mouse work a floor below or is that too far (or maybe the floor will block the signal). Regardless of my proposed solutions if anyone has a different way to handle this I'd love to hear it. All in all I just want to be able to game in the office and stream tv/browse the internet on my living room TV (not at the same time) preferably without having to drill holes in the walls/floor to run cables.