Question Best way to lock/password protect file or folder on Win10?


Apr 9, 2014
Just curious if people hard recommendations to lock a file or folder on windows 10? My ideal situation would be to have it so the folder is till visible and everything, with the same name but anytime the user double clicks on it they have to enter the pin/password to access its contents. I've tried just creating a batch script to do it with built-in utilities on Win10 but couldn't get things to work how I would like


Just curious if people hard recommendations to lock a file or folder on windows 10? My ideal situation would be to have it so the folder is till visible and everything, with the same name but anytime the user double clicks on it they have to enter the pin/password to access its contents. I've tried just creating a batch script to do it with built-in utilities on Win10 but couldn't get things to work how I would like
7-Zip. Just create a password protected/encrypted zip file.
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Apr 9, 2014
Are you sleepwalking? and during night randomly changing hosts file on your pc? LOL

Hosts file should already be protected.
Try opening it, editing contents and saving it. It would not allow you to save.

lol, no, its to prevent visiting certain sites (I'm sure you can connect the dots). The issue is I can easily move the file outside the folder and then modify it and move it back (currently). So I thought if there was a way to lock the folder itself behind a password that would be better