Better Battlefield V FPS


First off, I hate to be that guy but, language dude-these are family friendly forums.
A new system, whether intel or amd, would make a massive difference. Great price to performance examples are 8400+b360 or even a ryzen system such as 2600+b450 or even a 1600 as prices...

Would the GPU be okay or no? Can i slap a solid 8th gen i5 in with a new mobo and ram, or would I need to do the GPU too? Reason I ask is because I bought the GPU about 6 months ago during the big GPU shortage when that was the price of what a 1050ti is now, and I'd like to not have to change it.
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First off, I hate to be that guy but, language dude-these are family friendly forums.
A new system, whether intel or amd, would make a massive difference. Great price to performance examples are 8400+b360 or even a ryzen system such as 2600+b450 or even a 1600 as prices have been slashed on 1st gen cpus.
As far as your gpu goes it is pretty basic-don't expect miracles from it but if you dont mind running into lower settings it should let you run it.
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