stickmansam :
Interesting read on Tomb Raider, wonder how much of AMD's bad release drivers were due to the same issue but AMD not speaking out about it
It is really the amount of time that the Devs have to work with Nvidia and AMD. Square enix in general supports AMD's endeavor(Sleeping Dogs, Hitman Absolution, Tomb Raider just as more recent examples) and the work with tressfx could have possible limited the amount of time nvidia got to work with the devs for this case in particular.
One of the possible explainations is basically what AMD is pushing for right now. AMD is attempting to push heavily on their public relations with gaming devs, which is why there have been a drastic spike of AMD Gaming Evolved titles pouring in. With AMD's contract with presumably all of the console devs, AMD will basically be working with them nearly all the time. Nvidia's approach right now is slightly in a different sector. Nvidia approached it in a few ways:
1)Nvidia is appealing to the highest end and released titan. its because of above that AMD did not put priority into trying to beat titan, a card aimed at a small minority.
2)Current Free2play, with their promotion of Planetside 2, World of Tanks and Hawken, nvidia is working with f2p devs, which tbh, is where a good chunk of the market will head into. even crytek says that the market will lead to f2p models
3)their mobile market. nvidia is still working on their tegra chips for hte mobile market and is still wokring with their project shown at CES, Nvidia Shield.
4)allowing consoles to use physx(meaning that the amd gpus in the consoles will have physx)
basically both companies are looking at different sectors in the market. on tech sites like these, AMD's actions are slightly more apparent as their target audience generally targeted the general gamer, where nvidias target was a bit different for this current point of time.