Better than SHOTWELL


Apr 18, 2008

Running Ubuntu_12.04.

I need to export photos from my digital camera (chip) to a hard-drive on my computer. I had no-problemo using whatever U_10.04 had as default --- it just automagically sent photos where I told it to.

SHOTWELL is the default Ubuntu 12.04 photo-tool, and it's behavior , function and control are beyond my comprehension. It scatters groups of images where-ever in my directory structure and I cannot tell it where or when to export files from the camera to the computer hard-drive ... IT asks I tell and the photos are still scattered far-and-wide. Even worse in fact SHOTWELL seems to call the behavior IMPORTING which shuts down my mental systems since I naturally and unchangably view the process from the camera POV.

I am EXPORTING photos from the camera to the computer. Anyrate ... SHOTWELL is a vile brew of AIDS, EBOLA & RABIES usrland function. Kindly advise my options for a more humane, more rational, more usable photo-importing program from U_12.04 ?

You mean ---- after the photo-chip auto-mounts and SHOTWELL autograbs ... just kill SHOTWELL and treat the chip as just another file system .. which I guess it is. Sorry to be clueless ... I can just copy/paste ??