BF3 lags heavily

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Jun 3, 2012
Hey guys.. i have heard abt u all guys.. plz help me..
I am running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit and my specs are as follows:-
Motherboard- Foxconn H55MXV-AH
Ram- 6 gb
Processor- intel core i3-530
Graphics- Asus ENGTX 560Ti Direct CUII
What the hell is happening i dont know whether its my Hardware problem or some sort of softwares. but it lags too much and i am forced to close the game as it cant be played in that situation(10-12 FPS,u can imagine!!).
Although formatting my PC didnt helped and game's fps dropped to 15-20 on newly installed windows too..
Previously when i had issues i tried removing my RAM's and Reinserting 'em again and it was fixed but this time i tried everything:
Removing and reinserting rams..!!
Formatted my windows..!!
ran a memory test from BOOT menu..
updated my drivers..
earlier i was having a smooth gameplay and my fps were 59-60 on high settings but now i can barely manage 35 fps on low settings.. Plz guys help me outta my prob.. thanks!!

No i havent applied it till..!! i will purchase it and apply a new one.. can u suggest a good brand for thermal paste??

sorry i was unable to understand wat u told.. coz am a lil bit n00b..!!
You probably don't even need new thermal paste if you have the stock cooler. My guess is that the stupid ass push-pins Intel uses just popped out so the cooler isn't making good CPU contact. Easy thing to do is just check that all the push-pins are fully down and locked.

agreed, he's lagging because he's throttling, he's throttling, probably because of pushpins. Core temp = 100C
instead of speed fan use core tem/real temp or hwmonitor use at least 2 of em together. if your temps are still at 100'c then thats your issue. and you definatly need better cooling across your whole system. from new intake fans for the case to new cpu cooler for the processor.
Sorry i was a lil busy these days and was unable to post reply..
can i use my table fan for temporary purpose for drawing out the heat??
coz i have ordered the thermal paste and it will take about 3 days..??

Yes my heatsink is properly installed... i tried to move it but it was stable on its place and no push pins had any fault...
so tell me that my stock cooler needs to be changed??
one thing i wanted to tell you that i live in india and here atmospheric temp rises to 46 degree celsius.. so is this prob occuring coz of temp??
i did everything bought new cpu cooler but the issue is still there.. i formatted my comp and installed bf3 and ran repair install from orign and it downloaded some 99 mb file and i thought my game files were corrupt but when i ran the game it lags as before... is the problm wid my cou?
when you fist asked you were told it was likely to be your cpu. you have tried everything else suggested so i guess you have found out the hard way that it may well be what we first suggested.
if you have a friend that has an i5 2500k and hes willing to either let you borrow it and try it in your system. or let you take your ram and gfx to try in his system. if so then do that. if not your gonna have to spend some cash on a new cpu to see if that is the issue.
also 99mb files, from origin?. the last update i got was over 2 gigs. and that was after i installed off the disk... did you get yours on disk or via download?

1 other thing, when you got the high fps were you playing single player and then when you played multiplayer you got the low fps... also did you turn blur up... if so turn it down to 0 and turn it off in the menu... not reducing it but turning it off can cause a negative fps issue on some system configs.

i got bf3 purchased via disk.. sory as i havent explained in detailed that in my old partition i updated bf3 and before formatting i kept a backup of bf3 folder and after installing fresh windows i copied the bf3 backed up folder to origin games and launched origin and installed it.. the game was not properly running and had some crashes so i ran repair install from origin and origin checked my bf3 files and did some 99 mb update.. btw i am having no frnds running bf3 currently so how would i check my gc and ram?? i have two rams one is corsair vengeance 4gb and other transcend which come packed with my pc and thats of 2gigs...

Don't mix and match RAM unless they are exactly identical for specs. Even then it's not a good idea.

Also, you need to use an even amount of RAM sticks. Dual channel memory requires it, so either you use 2 or 4 memory sticks, and also each channel needs identical quantities.

So if you have a 2x2gb Vengeance kit and a 2x1gb Transcend kit, and they have identical speeds, timings, and required voltage, you could run 3gb per channel.

Right now I highly suggest you look into this, and for now I really think you should try running only on the Vengeance kit.
I don't think there's actually a problem going in here...


I built my friend a system that has an i3-2120 and it SLAMS against that 100% load marker when I join a 64 player map. I doubt you will ever see more than those 15FPS with that CPU in this game.

Your CPU just isn't keeping up with BF3.

Ok, after re-reading I think its a twofold problem. Your CPU isn't getting cooled effectively if it EVER goes over 90C. New CPU and cooler time methinks.