BF4 ~100% CPU Usage but Poor GPU Usage (Crossfire r9 280x) LOW FPS


Jul 1, 2014
First time posting after i cant find any solutions. Please go easy :)
Okay so here is my issue.

After buying a 144Hz monitor, I was aiming to hit 144 fps in BF4 in order to make the most of it. However, the CPU usage of the game seems to be fixed at 100% no matter what settings i choose, meanwhile, the GPU usage across both cards varies depending on the game settings. As the settings are lower, the GPU usage is lower, resulting in NO increase in fps.

This is causing me much frustration and would really appreciate some help on the issue :)

What ive tried so far:
1) Updating to latest GPU drivers (Were already installed)
2) Unpacking cores on my CPU (No idea if that even does anything)
3) Re-installed the game to my SSD

Screenshots for proof of issue: (Note CPU/GPU Usage and current FPS)
NOTE - Game resolution is set to 1080p no V-sync etc.

1) 200% Render resolution and default Ultra Settings.

2) 100% Render resolution and default Ultra settings

3) 100% Render resolution and default low settings

4) 25% Render resolution and default low settings

Rough system specs:
I5 4670k @ 4.2 GHz
Crossfire MSI r9 280x
8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 800MHz (9-9-9-24)
850W Corsair CM PSU

Complete system specs can be found here:
NOTE - CPU is overclocked to 4.2Ghz

Please please please help as i really have no idea what lest to try.
The problem isn't crossfire, it is that he is CPU bound, which basically means that, at least at the point he showed us an example, the CPU is not capable of delivering the amount of FPS his cards could. That is a common problem in games.

A higher OC, or a faster CPU is all that would help alleviate this. I'd recommend a 6 core i7 (12 threads), as he has high expectations.
What makes you think it is even possible to maintain 144 FPS in BF4? You do not need 144 FPS to get the most out of the game. Turn up some settings and just take advantage of your GPU. When your CPU is at 100%, you are CPU bound, and nothing you can do will increase FPS, unless there are physics settings run on the CPU.

If you want to turn V-sync on, and have locked FPS, you can adjust your hz lower to the point that you can maintain the FPS, but that may be quite low.

Your only hope to reach higher FPS is to increase the speed of your CPU.

Ive seen numerous gameplay footage where people have been reaching that framerate (Not dropping below 100fps) with a similar setup as mine. I have a ton of unused GPU power when on lower game settings that isnt being taken advantage of.
Now like you suggested about it being cpu bound, ive read on a variety of other threads that an i5 4670k is more than enough for BF4 and should not lead to a bottleneck for the GPU, Especially with an overclock at 4.2Ghz. However the strange thing to me is that the CPU usage is always at ~100%, as though something is hogging its resources.


And btw thanks for the reply, good to hear someone elses views on the matter :) Also i forgot to mention in my last post, im only getting 60fps on default ultra settings with 2 R9 280x in crossfire. I can achieve this with a single GPU. which to me again makes no sense and adds to more confusion 🙁
THe 100% CPU load suggest your GPU's are being held back by the CPU.

With that said here are a couple of things worth trying:

1: Test the game with Mantle enabled- this is known to *reduce CPU load* which might allow the 280X to run faster

2: Think about overlclocking that i5 (as it is the 'k' version you should be able to bump it quite a bit).

I thought the same thing. But i just thought an i5 4670k @ 4.2 Ghz would be more than enough for this game ( After reading other threads online) I tried mantle. I shot me down to horrendous fps for some reason. Like 20-30. I just put this down to me not having an AMD CPU, but i could be wrong

Mantle actually works well for Intel CPU's too. As an experiment, try mantle with just 1 280X enabled and see how you get on. Mantle should boost it quite a bit compared to DX and hopefully reduce your CPU load. It could be a bug with Crossfire that's your issue so safest option is get 1 card working well first. On very low settings i'da thought even one card could hit high frame rates...

Game play footage only shows you a small window of time. They too may not have 144 FPS all the time. And network/server issues may have an effect on FPS as well, which is completely luck of the draw. Single player is also easier than multiplayer, much easier to reach high FPS.

Anyways, as too "fixing" the issue, you can do one of a few things:
1) use Mantle
2) overclock that CPU
3) lower your refresh rate
4) become more rational. Seriously, you aren't likely going to notice a difference from 100 to 144 FPS. Everyone is different, but many people tend to find 80-100 FPS the limit to what they can discern.

I have tried that, even when in empty servers the CPU usage is at around ~100% I cant get my head around it

Game play footage only shows you a small window of time. They too may not have 144 FPS all the time. And network/server issues may have an effect on FPS as well, which is completely luck of the draw. Single player is also easier than multiplayer, much easier to reach high FPS.

Anyways, as too "fixing" the issue, you can do one of a few things:
1) use Mantle
2) overclock that CPU
3) lower your refresh rate
4) become more rational. Seriously, you aren't likely going to notice a difference from 100 to 144 FPS. Everyone is different, but many people tend to find 80-100 FPS the limit to what they can discern.
I am an avid csgo player so i am used to playing games at high framerates. I understand i will get fps that dont even come close to those of csgo, however if am able to hit 144fps, i will see less screen tear and will improve my overall experience. Either way, i shouldnt have to just settle for lower frames per second, when to my knowledge i should be getting more :) Thats why im seeing if i can find a solution :)

Mantle really doesnt work well for me for some reason. I get decent fps, however its really unsmooth as it fluctuates all over the place.

I would love to overclock the GPU however due to crossfire, they run pretty toasty already 🙁 But i would of thought with crossfire i should be getting more than 60fps on ultra anyways 🙁

Thanks for the replies though! I really appreciate the help :)

BF4 does multithread well. An i7 would help performance, particularly the 6 core i7's. Of course that isn't a rational upgrade. It's not like your FPS are low. You are already near 100 FPS. OCing would also show noticeable increases, and Mantle would likely help as well.

GPU usage is fine on one card, If anything i get more fps with just the one 🙁
I have latest mobo/GPU drivers installed also :)

What happens with 1 card in Mantle?

Sounds like crossfire is the issue...

Yeah i considered getting an i7. That might be the only solution. I just would expect an i5 4670k to bottleneck the game, especially at 4.2Ghz OC. Im worried i might not see any gains, at the CPU usage is unusually high even in empty servers. (~100%)

Yea i think the same,mybe that mobo is not the best one for Crossfire.
Try both cards in slot 1 maybe one of them is defective and cause other to suffer.

I dont get any issues in other games. Its only in bf4. I was interested in how the usage fluctuated between different graphics options. SO say im playing at ultra, Id like an fps boost, i set the game to low, and the fls is the same, the only things that changed is the GPU isnt working as hard. Other games, no matter what setting, gpu usage is around ~95%


I will carry out a Valley Benchmark, Will post result, should show is any card is defective :)

The term bottleneck is normally reserved for games which it prevents 60 FPS.

If you shoot for high enough FPS, almost anything can be a bottleneck. No one would consider you bottlenecked, as you are getting 90+ FPS. But technically, since you are requiring 144 FPS, you are.

You don't have an issue in BF4. You just have extremely high expectations. No one considers 90+ FPS an issue. Let's get that clear. That isn't to say it is impossible, but it may be improbable. A 6 core i7 (pricey), may be your best bet.

Crossfire does add a little bit of added overhead. If you are completely CPU bound, which you are, then you can get higher FPS without Crossfire, though it might not be a lot and you'll have to stick with pretty low settings.

If you have try to play BF3 and see how will it go.

Look at my ultra setting screenshot. Im only getting 60fps... Which is FAR lower than i should be given my current setup.

Same issue in BF3 sadly. The GPUs are scaling down depending on the graphics settings. Anyways, here is my Benchamrk scores, You can see one with crossfire and one without. I am gaining a high increase in fps with the second card so we know that the mobo/crossfire setup is working on a hardware level :)

Without crossfire:

With crossfire: