i5 4690 @ 3.5gHz, liquid cooled
MSI AMD R7 370 2GB, Catalyst 15.7.1
EDIT: Gigabyte Z97MX-Gaming 5 Mobo
I recently got a new desktop, and I have been attempting to play BF4 on EA Gametime. I keep getting 20-30fps normally, and very frequent spikes in the 10-20 region, online on all maps. It seems especially bad on the beginning of each round.
I've tried (1920x1080p 60Hz) 50-70 FOV, 50-100% resolution scaling, Mantle and DirectX, and both low and medium presets; all to no avail.
I consistently get 10-60 ping, so I don't think that's the issue. Also, my temps are all in the 30s and 40s Celsius when playing. I have not overclocked anything.
I read the other posts about drivers, etc., but I wanted to post to be sure.
Thank you for any assistance.
MSI AMD R7 370 2GB, Catalyst 15.7.1
EDIT: Gigabyte Z97MX-Gaming 5 Mobo
I recently got a new desktop, and I have been attempting to play BF4 on EA Gametime. I keep getting 20-30fps normally, and very frequent spikes in the 10-20 region, online on all maps. It seems especially bad on the beginning of each round.
I've tried (1920x1080p 60Hz) 50-70 FOV, 50-100% resolution scaling, Mantle and DirectX, and both low and medium presets; all to no avail.
I consistently get 10-60 ping, so I don't think that's the issue. Also, my temps are all in the 30s and 40s Celsius when playing. I have not overclocked anything.
I read the other posts about drivers, etc., but I wanted to post to be sure.
Thank you for any assistance.