BF4 low fps


Nov 7, 2015
i5 4690 @ 3.5gHz, liquid cooled
MSI AMD R7 370 2GB, Catalyst 15.7.1

EDIT: Gigabyte Z97MX-Gaming 5 Mobo


I recently got a new desktop, and I have been attempting to play BF4 on EA Gametime. I keep getting 20-30fps normally, and very frequent spikes in the 10-20 region, online on all maps. It seems especially bad on the beginning of each round.

I've tried (1920x1080p 60Hz) 50-70 FOV, 50-100% resolution scaling, Mantle and DirectX, and both low and medium presets; all to no avail.

I consistently get 10-60 ping, so I don't think that's the issue. Also, my temps are all in the 30s and 40s Celsius when playing. I have not overclocked anything.

I read the other posts about drivers, etc., but I wanted to post to be sure.

Thank you for any assistance.
Id say your pc can't candle 60hz servers Mine cant either on 30hz servers i get 82 fps on my 670 on a 60hz server i get about 43fps with low dips into the 20s on explosions.
I tried playing some singleplayer, and things are just as bad -- I'm averaging 10-20fps. I managed to use the performance graph, and, for the most part, it lists the "avg" for both CPU and GPU in the 50-70 range, but I've seen in the 100s for CPU and GPU.
make a user.cfg file on the folder where exe is an write these commands down and run game

RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 1
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 1
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable 1
RenderDevice.VsyncEnable 0
RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurFixedShutterTime 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMax 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0
WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0
WorldRender.PlanarReflectionEnable 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 256
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
GameTime.MaxVariableFPS 120
RenderDevice.RenderAheadLimit 1
If you want to disable fps counter change to

PerfOverlay.DrawFps 0

If You want to limit your frames on monitor change this to whatever you prefer.

GameTime.MaxVariableFPS 120

See If that helps a bit also enable mantle on your card and see if it helps a bit too and if ur using mantle disable that and use DX11.Finally if you have msaa on turn it off and use fxaa.
Thank you for your reply.

The user.cfg file on its own made no difference (I set maxfps to 70), Mantle vs. Dx11 combined with the user.cfg also made no difference, and I tried using off, x2 and x4 for MSAA, and off and medium for post-antialiasing (I wasn't sure what fxaa was), and again no difference.

I also tried reinstalling Dx11 and MS visual/C++ per this Tom's tutorial.

I'm usually getting 10-25fps (13-20 range usually on the move, not fighting). I switched to a server closer to me, which seems to have helped (I must have been averaging 5-15fps before); however, now it seems my FPS gets lower the longer I play. My temps are still low-mid 40s for CPU, high 20s for mobo, high 40s to 52 for GPU and low 30s for SSD and HDD.

Thank you again.

EDIT - still getting some shorter dips into the 2-10 region. The new server also has fewer players and runs smaller maps sizes, if that might be meaningful. Thanks.

EDIT(2) - Well, I used the AMD Catalyst Control OverDrive to set my GPU to 1125mHz GPU clock, 1475mHz high performance memory clock and 35% manual fan control (before OverDrive, it seemed to normally run 20%), and I instantly got fps in the 30s and 40s in multiplayer.
Unfortunately, then I went to the "test range," and it got 15-20fps, then I was experimenting further with Dx11 vs. Mantle and the driver seems to have crashed (I was using Dx11 when I got the wonderful 30s/40s online).

I got an error reading:
"DirectX Mantle: Mantle function, "grWsiWinReleaseFullscreenOwnership(displayHandle)" failed with GR_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST.GPU: "" (26641), Driver: 322961408.

I'd still appreciate any advice. OC'ing the card seems to sort of be a possible solution, but I imagine it's definitely not the best solution.
That makes sense. I re-installed my drivers too from AMD's site, and now I'm getting 30-50fps normally on a variety of maps on the same 30Hz server (without overclocking).

Thanks for your help; I'm 100% content with 30-50fps. I still get in the 20s on Parcel Storm, but I think that's a pretty demanding map.
Okay; now I'm back to 10-25fps regardless of the server or trying singleplayer. I seem to get lucky every once in a while and get in the 30s, but I can't pin down any pattern.

I tried using the DPC Latency Checker and turning on/off various devices, but I haven't had any luck. Notably, my latency gets into the red (4-5000s) as soon as Origin opens Battlelog in Mozilla. When I use Mozilla normally the latency is still green and minimal.

I tried all my USB devices, all my sound devices and the Intel graphics. I also tried the AMD GPU, but that just made my latency off the charts even just in Windows, so that's sort of inconclusive.

I tried reinstalling the drivers for the Killer E2200 that comes on the Gigabyte Mobo, but Windows wouldn't let me. I also tried playing singleplayer with the E2200 disabled, and that didn't fix it either. My ISP delivers about 18-20Mbps download and 2 Mbps upload.

Thanks for any help.