[citation][nom]kishow[/nom]To the editors @ TH. Next go around you guys should def give a chart of clearances for ram. Alternatively, if nothing else, a top down shot directly over the Heat Sink in question would be very useful and relatively simple to include.My question, as i am considering this pair of products is; will the cooler master 212 evo clear the memory modules on an asus x79 pro if i go with corsair heat spreaders, or do i need low profile? or can i only run the outer dimms.[/citation]It's all there on the front page. RAM clearance changes based on which processor you use, so base height is given.
An LGA 2011 package is around 0.30" tall, so add that to your base height and get RAM clearance. Again, explained on Page 1.
But some of these coolers are thin enough to fit BEHIND the memory. So, cooler thickness is also listed. Yet many coolers are off-center, so cooler offset is also listed. Take half the thickness and add or subtract the offset, to find out how far the front of the cooler is from the center of the socket. All of this, again, on page 1.
Of course you'll have to measure a few things on your own, such as the motherboard (for behind-RAM clearance) or memory (for above RAM clearance) but at least you have the data here. On page 1.
Thanks for reading Page 1 instead of looking at the table of contents and jumping to the cooler you had in mind.