Hi there, I have a question about upgrading ram in my 64-bit Win7 PC with Intel DQ57TM mobo.
Until now I have run with no problem a combo kit of 2 x 2GB sticks of Kingston RAM. Today I upgraded to 2 separate but identical sticks of 4GB (total 8GB) RAM and this works fine 🙂
But when I add one of the original sticks of 2GB RAM things start to get complicated insofar as the computer system recognizes all three sticks of RAM (4GB+4GB) + 2GB = 10GB but only uses 1 4GB stick, with "System" reporting as follows: Installed memory (RAM): 10.00GB (3.93GB useable)"!!
This is surprising as the mobo can handle up to 16GB RAM, the 3 sticks are in the right slots according to the mobo manual, and the system confirms it is "64 bit operating system" so it ought to be able to handle 10GB with no problem.
As I wrote further up, when I remove the 2GB the 2x4GB works fine, and also I checked before I got the 2 x 4GB that the PC runs fine with just one or two of the original 2GB sticks too. Also I double checked that apart from each of the new sticks being 4TB instead of 2TB the brand and model number is the same as the original 2 x 2TB RAM... with only one slight difference: the original 2 x 2TB came together as a kit of 2 sticks and the model name indicates this as such ..........K2/.... and also specifies on each stick "KIT of 2" Maybe this "kit" combo causes some kind of problem when added together with other RAM but I figure this is unlikely and besides that the computer starts up and runs ok with just one of these kit of 2 sticks of 2TB installed.
So what is going on?
Anyways now comes the interesting bit: I would like to see if adding the 2nd 2GB stick to the empty channel solves the problem by giving me a combination of 2 pairs of matched RAM ie 2 x 4GB + 2 x 2GB = 12GB RAM. BUT the copper pipes of my CPU are so bulky that one of them comes quite close to the 4th RAM slot on my mobo that so far is empty. I can squeeze my last 2GB stick of RAM into this slot and snap closed the catches - but when I do this one of the 4 big square black panels on the front of the RAM stick (same side as the Kingston label) touches one of the copper pipes of the CPU that I think is part of the CPU cooling system.
What risk if any do I run by operating the computer with this black square on the RAM stick touching the copper pipe of the CPU cooling system: overheating? short circuit? exploding computer or.... no problemm whatsoever?
To resolve this, I reckon I have three choices:
(1) just be happy with the upgrade to 2 x4TB sticks that are running fine and put away the original pair of 2 x 2TB sticks for a rainy day
(2) continue to investigate why the combo of 2 x 4TB + 1 x 2TB is not working as it should even though all 10TB it is recognized by the system, or
(3) add in the outstanding 2TB so that all four slots are utilized despite the fact that it touches the copper pipe of the CPU cooler, or....
What would you do?
Until now I have run with no problem a combo kit of 2 x 2GB sticks of Kingston RAM. Today I upgraded to 2 separate but identical sticks of 4GB (total 8GB) RAM and this works fine 🙂
But when I add one of the original sticks of 2GB RAM things start to get complicated insofar as the computer system recognizes all three sticks of RAM (4GB+4GB) + 2GB = 10GB but only uses 1 4GB stick, with "System" reporting as follows: Installed memory (RAM): 10.00GB (3.93GB useable)"!!
This is surprising as the mobo can handle up to 16GB RAM, the 3 sticks are in the right slots according to the mobo manual, and the system confirms it is "64 bit operating system" so it ought to be able to handle 10GB with no problem.
As I wrote further up, when I remove the 2GB the 2x4GB works fine, and also I checked before I got the 2 x 4GB that the PC runs fine with just one or two of the original 2GB sticks too. Also I double checked that apart from each of the new sticks being 4TB instead of 2TB the brand and model number is the same as the original 2 x 2TB RAM... with only one slight difference: the original 2 x 2TB came together as a kit of 2 sticks and the model name indicates this as such ..........K2/.... and also specifies on each stick "KIT of 2" Maybe this "kit" combo causes some kind of problem when added together with other RAM but I figure this is unlikely and besides that the computer starts up and runs ok with just one of these kit of 2 sticks of 2TB installed.
So what is going on?
Anyways now comes the interesting bit: I would like to see if adding the 2nd 2GB stick to the empty channel solves the problem by giving me a combination of 2 pairs of matched RAM ie 2 x 4GB + 2 x 2GB = 12GB RAM. BUT the copper pipes of my CPU are so bulky that one of them comes quite close to the 4th RAM slot on my mobo that so far is empty. I can squeeze my last 2GB stick of RAM into this slot and snap closed the catches - but when I do this one of the 4 big square black panels on the front of the RAM stick (same side as the Kingston label) touches one of the copper pipes of the CPU that I think is part of the CPU cooling system.
What risk if any do I run by operating the computer with this black square on the RAM stick touching the copper pipe of the CPU cooling system: overheating? short circuit? exploding computer or.... no problemm whatsoever?
To resolve this, I reckon I have three choices:
(1) just be happy with the upgrade to 2 x4TB sticks that are running fine and put away the original pair of 2 x 2TB sticks for a rainy day
(2) continue to investigate why the combo of 2 x 4TB + 1 x 2TB is not working as it should even though all 10TB it is recognized by the system, or
(3) add in the outstanding 2TB so that all four slots are utilized despite the fact that it touches the copper pipe of the CPU cooler, or....
What would you do?