I guess the more fundamental point that nobody is talking about is that Google wants you to use all of that storage space. Why? Because that's one of their most important information assets, and it is how they know so much about you. Ever wonder why Google pushes you to use all of their free, neat stuff so much? It's because when you have 30 gajillion terabytes of data that is personal to you, on their servers, that they index, they know more about you than even your closest family and friends. They know who you're talking to, what you're talking about, what you like and don't like, and everything else in between. And how many of you leave your gmail open while you're browsing around the web? Guess who's tracking everywhere you go when you do that...
At any rate, I have no problem with Google. I do have a problem with people who think they are this super-cool, super-altruistic company, though. I also have a problem with that much personal information being archived and available via a single entity. Our world rivals have an extreme interest in getting that data, and as smart as the people at Google may be, they are not impervious (as we've already seen).
Just be careful out there, and try to get to know as much as you can about the online tools that you use.