Bing, Wolfram|Alpha Sign Search Deal for Dieters

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don't know about you guys, but my town we're able to order food online and have it delivered to our door. eventually with software like this, you can just say how many days you want food for, how many calories to take in per day, stuff like that. we'll never have to do simple math again!!! take that math profs around the world!!!
Cool, I use the Wolfram|Alpha search engine from time to time. It's nice that to know I'll be able to use Bing for a general search and have it pull Wolfram|Alpha results based on context.
I'm more interested in the calc functions, but more accurate results with more varied information all around is a good thing for a search engine
I've played with wolfram|alpha lots of times since I first heard about them on Tom's several months ago. Their product is interesting, hopefully they are getting paid lots of money for it now.
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