I work in the biofuel industry myself, so naturally I'm going to be promoting biofuels. It isn't all biofuels that are bad, but it has to do with inneficient crops and inneficient technologies. Ethanol isn't really that great of a tech, and the only reason it works in Brazil is that they have a Dam supplying all the power for the ethanol processing plants.
There's new processes on the horizon, as we're trying to get our processes allowed for road-use by California, but naturally it takes forever to get anything done in Cali. We've been looking at plants like Jatropha for a while, however we're likely going to go with a different plant that's similar but puts out around 4x the gallonage of it. The best part of all is that these crops can be used on land that wouldn't normally be used for food crops, as it requires little water and is naturally pest resistant.
With more efficient technologies and better crops, Biofuels will be the solution, as it won't require everyone to buy new cars to run them, nor would you have to replace the whole fueling infrastructure of the USA. It -will- be the great transitional fuel to lead us into the next fuel generation.