BIOS Recovery asrock


Jan 2, 2017
My Board is Asrock 970 PRO3 R2.
I used the instant flash option (F2) to update my Bios-version from 2.60 to 2.80 (970 Pro3 R2.0(2.80)ROM). Instant-Updater said "Update successfull". After Reboot, my PC is dead. Is there any chance to recover my Bios with an bootable usb-stick and the rom-file? Thank you.
Sorry for bad english, I'm french
I have exactly the same problem, currently an arduino try to put a new BIOS on my chip(it's long).
I find bios on :
I use:
If you have arduino and acces to linux (Linux mint bootabl key) I can help you If it's work for me, or if you want to try If you have not resolved the problem or for somebody else

Edit 1: it's easy to buy a new bios chip on Ebay or other...
Thank you Paul NZ.
The only information about "ASRock Crashless BIOS" is:

"ASRock Crashless BIOS allows users to update their BIOS
without fear of failing. If power loss occurs during the BIOS update
process, ASRock Crashless BIOS will automatically finish
the BIOS update procedure after regaining power. Please note
that BIOS files need to be placed in the root directory of your
USB disk. Only USB2.0 ports support this feature."

I read on some websites, that the rom-file have to be named in a special way.
amiboot.rom or something like this.
Some experience?

Thank you.
Sorry for bad english, I'm french
I have exactly the same problem, currently an arduino try to put a new BIOS on my chip(it's long).
I find bios on :
I use:
If you have arduino and acces to linux (Linux mint bootabl key) I can help you If it's work for me, or if you want to try If you have not resolved the problem or for somebody else

Edit 1: it's easy to buy a new bios chip on Ebay or other:

Edit 2: after write a new bios whit arduino, This seems to work, I have 4 short beeps at startup now
Edit 3: it's a graphics card was use for 1st test, now my PC work correctly :)
All commands I used on Linux Mint, with arduino uno Atmega328P-PU,

download new bios (for 970 Pro3 R2.0):
I have 970P32.00, just edit name bay 970P32.rom

Left pins of the BIOS chip:
[pin1 of the bios chip] /CS<->10k resistor<->VCC
[pin1 of the bios chip] /CS<->Arduino pin10(SS, PORTB2)
[pin2 of the bios chip] DO<->Arduino pin12(MISO, PORTB4)
[pin3 of the bios chip] /WP<->VCC
[pin4 of the bios chip] GND<->GND on the power pins

Right pins of the BIOS chip:
[pin8 of the bios chip] VCC<->+3.3V on the power pins of the Arduino
[pin7 of the bios chip] /HOLD<->VCC
[pin6 of the bios chip] CLK<->Arduino pin13(SCK, PORTB5)
[pin5 of the bios chip] DIO<->Arduino pin11(MOSI, PORTB3)

commands: (On laptop with linux mint 18 xfce) :

sudo apt-get install flashrom gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc avrdude git
git clone --recursive git://
cd frser-duino
make u2
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex frser-duino.out frser-duino.hex
sudo avrdude -c arduino -p m328p -P /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 -U flash:w:frser-duino.hex
sudo flashrom -p serprog:dev=/dev/ttyACM0:115200 -r save.rom 
//Comment: this saves the bios already present^^
sudo flashrom -p serprog:dev=/dev/ttyACM0:115200 -w newbios.rom 
//this write new bios^^

now my PC working perfectly