Bios screen flashes and dies


Jul 10, 2009
I'm a bit lost on this one and could use some help in diagnosing the problem.

I was playing an older game on a system stable for over a year and the screen turned black. The computer continued to run at least briefly. Since then the monitor will show the bios splash screen when powered on, then the screen goes black and doesn't start the boot sequence--although its getting some type of signal because the monitor doesn't sleep.

Intel DH67CL motherboard
I5-2500 not over locked
Patriot memory
Seasonic 500w power
Amd 6950

Steps taken:
Removed video card and plugged monitor onto inboard video- still got the bios splash screen but nothing else.
Reseated memory and tried each of the two sticks alone
Unplugged computer, removed CMOS battery and reseated, held down power key for 60sec plugged back in

Any thoughts about a fix or at least what part is bad?



Does it still boot to bios? can you keep it in bios and "shop around"? If so then it sounds like your windows boot manager got messed up. Fixing the MBR and other start up problems in Windows 7 is most quickly accomplished by using the Windows 7 Installation DVD. If you do not have a Windows 7 Installation DVD however, you can alternatively use a Windows 7 System Recovery Disc.

Step one: Turn your computer on, booting from either your Windows 7 Installation DVD or Windows 7 System Recovery Disc. Remember, you may need to change the boot order inside your BIOS to have the your DVD drive boot first.

Step two: After the installation or recovery disc loads, if prompted, select your language settings and then continue. If you are using the installation DVD, when prompted by the following screen select Repair your computer.

Step three: The computer will take a moment now to scan itself for any Windows installations, after which you will likely be given a choice to select which installation you wish to repair. Select the appropriate Windows installation from the list and then continue. If by chance a problem is detected in one of your Windows installations at this initial stage, the system may also ask you if it can try to repair the problem automatically. It is up to you if you wish to let the system try to repair itself, but otherwise just select No.

Step four: Once you have reached the System Recovery Options screen, as shown below, you will be faced with a list of choices that can aid you in repairing a damaged Windows 7 operating system. If you wish to try the Startup Repair option first, it is often successful in automatically fixing many different start up issues, but in this article we will be using the Command Prompt option to resolve our problems manually. So, click Command Prompt to continue.

Step five: Now sitting at the command prompt, enter the following command and then press enter:

bootrec.exe /FixMbr

If successful, you should be greeted with the message The operation completed successfully. That's it! Your Master Boot Record has been repaired.

Give that a shot