does any one know what type of bios chip does the b550 aorus elite v2 have ? im trying to flash the bios with a usb thingy but need to know what type it is
If you're referring to a CH341A BIOS programming toolkit as the thingy and are using that flash the BIOS then you might want to look at page 4 of your motherboard manual;
and locate the BIOS chip on the board which is designated with a M_BIOS on the board's PCB. You can then use a magnifying glass to read off the etching atop of the BIOS chip used.
The board you have, at the time of writing, has about 5 revisions, so it's possible that each revision has different BIOS chips sourced from different vendors leaving the BIOS used the same.
I take it that Q-Flash Plus did nothing for you...?