Question BIOS video error with working GPU

Oct 5, 2023
Hi there, i’m new to the website so i hope i haven’t broken any rules yet. So i was using this setup for at least one year now, but recently it got a little bit not good. It all started approximately one week ago, back then it just gave a “POST error occured , this could have happened if new hardware was installed” and then booted as usual (I don’t really remember what was written there, but something between those lines). Then BIOS error beeps started happening, (I looked into my motherboard’s specs, it says it has to do something with video, specifically with something called VGA option rom. Here’s link to the manual; ) at first i didn’t thought of it much, because a simple reboot fixed the issues, but then even the reboot stopped working, and now i’m stuck with a running PC, that doesn’t give any picture at all. Here’s all the information i could gather:

1: Beeps persist, even after taking the GPU out, issue is that i can’t connect my monitor to the motherboard, since it lacks both HDMI and VGA connector.

2: System worked perfectly fine when booted even when problems started happening, i ran a bunch of GPU benchmarks, it showed off everything as usual and games went also without any problems.

3: GPU fans spin when pressing the start button, but they turn off once the beeps end (On-off (1.0 second each) two times, then 2.5-second pause (off), entire pattern repeat (beeps and pause) once and then BIOS continues booting).

4: My wireless mouse and wired keyboard lights up the RGB, this probably means that the system can boot just fine.

Things i already tried to do;

1: Remove the CMOS battery
2: Run the PC without GPU
3: Reinstall sticks of RAM
4: Clean the PCI-e socket
5: Check all wires for damage (There was none but i might have missed something)

Things i can’t really do at the moment

1: Buying new components (GPU, CPU, motherboard etc.)
2: Access the BIOS settings
3: Testing components on another PC (Planned if problem is worse than i think it is)
PC Specifications:

Motherboard: Intel DQ77MK
GPU: GTX 1060 6GB MSI Aero
CPU: Core i5 2500
RAM: 8GB DDr3 1600 MHz
SSD: Gigabyte 256GB
Monitor: Some random CTX monitor from 2005
PSU: Chieftech 450W GPA-450S8
It might a little time consuming for you, but i would really appreciate your help, and thanks in advance.
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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

PSU: Chieftech 450W GPA-450S8
I'd ask you to try and source a better quality PSU from a friend or neighbor and see if the system behaves normally.

To also add, there might be a compatibility issue with the motherboard as I've worked with Intel made boards in the past, they're very nitpicky about what ram you also use on your platform, which leads me to ask;
RAM: 8GB DDr3 1600 MHz
How is the ram loadout on this?
Oh thank god this Frankenshtein of a PC finally booted after i changed the power plug, power socket and video port. What could have caused this error anyway? Did my main port just fried, or socket went bad?


Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

PSU: Chieftech 450W GPA-450S8
I'd ask you to try and source a better quality PSU from a friend or neighbor and see if the system behaves normally.

To also add, there might be a compatibility issue with the motherboard as I've worked with Intel made boards in the past, they're very nitpicky about what ram you also use on your platform, which leads me to ask;
RAM: 8GB DDr3 1600 MHz
How is the ram loadout on this?
Oct 5, 2023
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

PSU: Chieftech 450W GPA-450S8
I'd ask you to try and source a better quality PSU from a friend or neighbor and see if the system behaves normally.

To also add, there might be a compatibility issue with the motherboard as I've worked with Intel made boards in the past, they're very nitpicky about what ram you also use on your platform, which leads me to ask;
RAM: 8GB DDr3 1600 MHz
How is the ram loadout on this?
Thanks for your answer. Aight, i’ll try to find another PSU when i get home to test with my build. Talking about RAM, it worked pretty fine before that, but considering that i bought all of the components second-hand, it’s like you said might be PSU.
Oct 5, 2023
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

PSU: Chieftech 450W GPA-450S8
I'd ask you to try and source a better quality PSU from a friend or neighbor and see if the system behaves normally.

To also add, there might be a compatibility issue with the motherboard as I've worked with Intel made boards in the past, they're very nitpicky about what ram you also use on your platform, which leads me to ask;
RAM: 8GB DDr3 1600 MHz
How is the ram loadout on this?
Well after a long search for a PSU, i still couldn’t get one. I’ll try to just buy a new one, and see how that goes.
Oct 5, 2023
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

PSU: Chieftech 450W GPA-450S8
I'd ask you to try and source a better quality PSU from a friend or neighbor and see if the system behaves normally.

To also add, there might be a compatibility issue with the motherboard as I've worked with Intel made boards in the past, they're very nitpicky about what ram you also use on your platform, which leads me to ask;
RAM: 8GB DDr3 1600 MHz
How is the ram loadout on this?
Just been to the technician's shop, he said he couldn't recreate the problem and gave the computer to me, I tried to use the spare power cord, but it still won't work at home. I will update the situation when things improve.
Oct 5, 2023
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

PSU: Chieftech 450W GPA-450S8
I'd ask you to try and source a better quality PSU from a friend or neighbor and see if the system behaves normally.

To also add, there might be a compatibility issue with the motherboard as I've worked with Intel made boards in the past, they're very nitpicky about what ram you also use on your platform, which leads me to ask;
RAM: 8GB DDr3 1600 MHz
How is the ram loadout on this?
Oh thank god this Frankenshtein of a PC finally booted after i changed the power plug, power socket and video port. What could have caused this error anyway? Did my main port just fried, or socket went bad?

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